General description of the
used AGILENT 4284A
for sale.
The Agilent 4284A precision LCR meter is a cost-effective solution for component and material measurement. It can be used to improve component quality by providing an accurate, high-throughput test solution. The wide 20 Hz to 1 MHz test frequency range and superior test-signal performance allow the HP 4284A to test components to the most commonly-used test standards, such as IEC/MIL standards, and under conditions that simulate the intended application. Features. 20 Hz to 1 MHz, with over 8,600 test frequencies. 0.05% basic accuracy, 6-digit resolution. Constant V or I test signal level. 20 Vrms level option (Option 001). 40 Adc with HP 42841A. List sweep measurement capability. Specifications. Parameters Measured: |Z| -Theta, |Y| -Theta, R-X, G-B; C-D, Q, ESR, G, Rp; L-D, Q, ESR, G, Rp; Deviation and % deviation. Measurement Circuit Modes: Series and parallel. Ranging: Auto and manual. Trigger: Internal, external, manual, and bus (HP-IB). Delay Time: 0 to 60.000s in 1 ms steps. Measurement Terminals: Four-terminal pair. Test Cable Length: Standard: 0 and 1 m; with Option 006: 0, 1, 2 and 4 m. Integration Time: Short, medium, and long. Averaging: 1 to 256, programmable. Test Signal: 20 Hz to 1 MHz ± 0.01%, 8610 selectable frequencies. DC Bias: Standard: 0 V, 1.5 V and 2 V. Options. Opt 001 Power Amplifier/DC Bias. Opt 002 Bias Current Interface. (Options 001 and 002 do not operate simultaneously.) Opt 004 Memory Card. Opt 006 2m/4m Cable Length Operation. Opt 109 Delete HP-IB Interface. Opt 201 General-Purpose Handler Interface. Opt 202 Handler Interface. Opt 301 Scanner Interface.