
?Randy Yousey, CEO of Custom-Cal
The SPIE Defense and Security Symposium held in Baltimore during April was attended by Custom-Cal?s Randy Yousey and Peter Kostoulas.Held in the Convention Center at Baltimore?s Inner Harbor,this is the world?s largest unclassified event for the defense, security and sensing industry.
Would you like to see how other companies are saving over a $100k per year by avoiding test equipment repair markups that range as high as 60%?? Custom-Cal is unlike most Cal-Houses in that we perform repairs internally, charges are reasonable. You avoid both the flat rate OEM price and the markup. Your savings are substantial.
Case in point:? 86142A Agilent OSA.. OEM cost $17,000, CC invoice was $2850. Our flat rate on this repair is $6850.In this case, all that was needed was a display and display driver rebuild. A savings of over $14,150. The arithmetic speaks for itself.
We also sell equipment on consignment turning doorstops into returns by rejuvenating the equipment and selling it at market value returning the profit to you as a credit for new equipment, services or replacements.? You can also search our modest inventory at: http://www.custom-cal.com/Test_Equipment_Sales.aspx. Contact me via LinkedIn or via email- ry@custom-cal.com and Peter or I will contact you.