Tag Archives: Agilent

On-Site Test Equipment Calibration and Repair, Sales & Rental

Calibration Services

Test Equipment Calibration and Repair; Repairs tailored to your business using sound metrology practice and reasoning.

? Industry Experts at your fingertips to solve your measurement and calibration problems.
? Access premium refurbished used, calibrated test equipment/TMDE with warranty.
? Repair experts, RF and Hi speed optical communication test equipment.
? Trade-in and consign your test equipment for preferential tax treatment.
? Preventative Maintenance(PM) available during the calibration service.
? National and International coverage including Asia and Mexico & EU.
? National Test Equipment Rentals & Lab Rent, our stock & partners.

We focus on the calibration of test equipment no long supported by the original equipment manufacture (OEM) deemed to be at the end of life (EOL) & out of support by the OEM due to age or obsolescence.
CC repair/calibration efforts and expertise have saved clients over $14K in a single repair incident. Our repair & calibration prices are typically at least 40% lower than Cal Lab’s who subcontract repair work. Customers working with CC avoid OEM flat or standard rates and avoid MARK-UPs & shipping delays imposed by those who say they repay test equipment and, in fact, subcontract repair & calibration.

SALE: Mothballed Guildline / Fluke / L&N / GR, Fluke Calibrations Standards for Metrology, Artifact and Transfer Standards

High quality old fashion artifact standards for sale while they last.???Many of these standards have history which adds value and assurance that the standards are stable. Make a call directly to Randy Yousey at 908-328-3663 to put an offer in.??We have listed what we believe to be realistic pricing but as you know demand and value changes over time.

MFG Model Type Serial Number Data Price USD
Alpha USR 1RO 1Ω Resistance Standard 00M0449   2000
Alpha ADR 6102 1M Decade Box BD-0414   1500
Data Proof 164A Low Thermal Quad Scanner 701   2500
ESI SR104 Standard Resistor 520004   2500
ESI SR1050 Transfer Standard 2070885210050B   500
Guildline 7320 AC Shunt 10Ω 60885   500
Guildline 7320 AC Shunt 0.1Ω 60880   500
Guildline 9930 Direct Current Comparator 52283 (no data) 2500
Guildline 9930 Direct Current Comparator 39115   2500
Guildline TM 9700PL Voltage Divider 51474   500
Guildline 9334-1KΩ Standard Resistor 60452   500
Guildline 9334-10Ω Standard Resistor 60465   500
Guildline 9334-1Ω Standard Resistor ΩΩ   500
Guildline 9334A-0.675Ω Standard Resistor 68405   500
Guildline 9336 Resistance Standard 10MΩ 62166   500
Guildline 9336 Resistance Standard 100MΩ 63872   750
Guildline 9343 Decade Resistor 1K Ω 58078   750
Guildline 9344 Decade Resistor 100 Ω 59356   1000
Guildline 9344 Decade Resistor 10K Ω 58080   1000
Guildline 9345 Decade Resistor 100K Ω 58083   1250
Guildline 9345 Decade Resistor 100K Ω 57665   1250
Guildline 9345 Decade Resistor 100K Ω 57666   1250
Guildline 9347 Decade Resistor 10M Ω 58086   1750
Guildline 9350 Resistance Transfer Standard 10KΩ 62959   offer
Guildline TS6634 Resistance Standrad 66031   offer
Guildline 6500A Digital Teraohmeter     3500
Guildline 65206 Calibrating resistor 100MΩ 62239   500
Guildline 9520 Digital Teraohmeter 59526   3500
Guildline 95206 Calibrating resistor 100MΩ 62239   500
Guildline 95206 Calibrating resistor 10MΩ 53370   500
Guildline 92310 Convection Unit     offer
Guildline 4410 Voltage Standard 660   500
Guildline 4410 Voltage Standard 580   500
Guildline 4410 Voltage Standard 270   500
Guildline 4410 Voltage Standard 760   500
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 100M Ω 56467   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 10M Ω 52782   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1M Ω 52259   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 100K Ω 52064   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 10K Ω 53072   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1K Ω 52687   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 100 Ω 52433   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 10Ω 52014   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1Ω 42328   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 10M Ω 48524   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 100K Ω 51288   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1K Ω 59117   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1K Ω 52690   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 100 Ω 52676   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 10Ω 37751   550
Guildline 9330 Standard Resistor 1 Ω 37097   550
Guildline 6675 Automaticc DCC Resistance Bridge 63306   12500
Guildline 66001 Lead Compensator 66988    
Guildline 6610A Auto. Resistance Temperature 64201    
Guildline 9975A Current Comparator Resistance 46034   12500
Guildline 9923 100A Range Extender 52865    
Guildline 9606 Reversing Switch 52975    
Guildline 9607 1000v Reversing Switch      
Guildline 9975 Current Comparator Resistance 52865   12500
  9923 100A Range extender 52198    
  9606 Reversing switch 40311    
  9607 1000v Reversing switch 52322    
Guildline 9230/15 Current Shunt 62350   750
Guildline 4880 Nanovoltmeter     500
Guildline 5210 Thermocouple Calibrator 53719   500
Guildline 7100A AC/DC Thermal Transfer 52156   5000
L & N 4210 Thomas type 1 ohm Standard 1603864   750
L & N 4210 Thomas type 1 ohm Standard 1874910   750
L & N 9221 0.1 ohm Standard Resistor 25845   750
Genrad 1404A 1000pf Cap. 1414   2500
Fluke 792A AC/DC Transfer Standard     14500
Fluke 6060B Synthesized R.F. Signal Generator     1500
Fluke 5200A Programmable AC Calibrator 205   2500
Fluke 332D Voltage Standard 34010   3500
Fluke 720A Kelvin Varley Voltage Divider 2210012   1250
Genrad 1482R Standard Inductor 5H 10430   500
Genrad 1482L Standard Inductor 100MH 5572   500
Genrad 1482P Standard Inductor 1H 4198   500
Genrad 1482S Standard Inductor 20mH 7474   500
Genrad 1482E Standard Inductor 1mH 6164   500
HP / Agilent 53132A Universal Counter     1500
HP / Agilent 465A Amplifier 530-02122   offer
HP / Agilent 3455 Digital Voltmeter 1622A06331   offer
HP / Agilent 5328 Universal Counter 1828A10012   offer
HP / Agilent 6433B Harrison DC Power Supply     offer
HP / Agilent 33340C 20db Attenuator DC-265GHz 18059   400
HP / Agilent 33340C 20db Attenuator DC-265GHz     400
HP / Agilent 33340C 20db Attenuator DC-265GHz 18078   400
HP / Agilent 33340C 20db Attenuator DC-265GHz 18003   400
HP / Agilent 8116A Pulse Function Generator     offer
HP / Agilent 436A Power Meter 1803A03049   offer
HP / Agilent 5352B Microwave Frequency Counter 2908A00405   1250
HP / Agilent 8484A Power Sensor 60047   750
HP / Agilent 8447A 0.1-400 MHz Amplifier 1644A02821   750
HP / Agilent 6267B Power Supply DC 2333A09247   offer
HP / Agilent 355B Variable DC-500MHz attenuator 13298   offer
Hart 6050 Temperature Bath 47014   offer
Hart 6020 Temperature Bath 157   offer
Holt 20 Thermal Volt ΩΩΩΩ 266   25
Holt Model 6 Thermal Transfer Voltmeter 163   2500
Huber 6701.17A 50Ω 0.5W DC-500MHz     offer
Huber/Sohner   50Ω through termination     offer
Keithley 155 Null Detector 212   offer
Kepco   0-55vDC,6-2 amp Power Supply     offer
MA-COM   50Ω through termination     offer
MA-COM   50Ω through termination     offer
Petrolab 187 Low Temperature Bath 507A   offer
Screnson DCR 7-300B Power Supply     offer
Transmille 3041 Multi Product Calibrator 107819BC   offer
Vista 146 Humidity Monitor 14/65   offer
Weinschel 3300-20dB Attenuator HU309   offer
Weinschel 3300-20dB Attenuator HU284   offer
Solartron 7010 Minate Scanner TE043   25
Wavetek 9108 SINE TTL Phase 401366   25
Logan 4150 PRT     25
Logan 4150 PRT     25
Guildline 9540 PRT     100
Guildline 5150 Thermometer     300
Alpha ASR103 Resistance Standard 02F0478   1500

Custom-Cal Revitalizes 200 Ludlow Dr, Former Home of JDSU in Ewing NJ.

200 Ludlow Dr

Custom-Cal revitalizes 200 Ludlow Dr, former home of JDSU in Ewing NJ.


? ? ?July 26 2012

? ? ? 3-11pm

*Tour the Lab

*Live Demos of New Test Equipment

*Wine Tasting

*Food *Drinks

*Live Music

*Ed Wilson’s Band beginning at 4:30pm *Listen!!

?Ask about the latest Buzz:

* CC Partners with Techmaster Electronics

* CC is an JGR?authorized service provide

*CC Copper Mountain Technologies authorized service provider

*CC is the UCinstuments North American Distributor

*CC is a DelAir Representative

*Features of a Custom Calibration

See some of the latest hi-tech equipment:

* DelAir Custom Optical Equipment can Cables

* JGR Return Loss Measurement Equipment

* Mini Circuits USB RF Test Equipment

* UCinstuments USB Based Wave Length Meter

* Copper Mountain 2 Port USB VNA and matched Cal Kit

*?PocketBERT?10G USB portable and NetBook PC (Show Sale Price $4250)

*VBOX USA High accuracy GPS System used by CC for LIDAR Speed Sensor Cal.

*New And Used Equipment On Display And For Sale from: ?Custom-Cal?/ Techmaster?& Alltest

Mini Circuits Smart Portable Test Equipment ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


JGR Optical Switch


GM81014 Optical Head Interface

JGR BR5 Optical Backreflection Meter


JGR MBR5 Multi-Output Backreflection Meter

Custom-Cal Returns to Handle Nistica Calibration Requirements

Nistica?is a world class supplier of agile optical modules. Custom-Cal is pleased to be Nistica?s preferred vendor for supplying optical calibration for SWS and high performance Yokagawa and OSA models such as:

Nick Codd, Lightwave Engineer and Calibration Team Leader

AQ-6310 or AQ6310

AQ-6310B or AQ6310B

AQ-6310C or AQ6310C

AQ-6312 or AQ 6312

AQ-6315A or AQ6315B

AQ6315C or AQ6315C

AQ-6315E or AQ6315E

AQ-6317 or AQ6317

AQ-6317B or AQ6317B

AQ-6319 or AQ6319

AQ-6330 or AQ6330

AQ-6331 / AQ-6331

We are also proud to support the new Agilent N7744a Multi Channel Power Meter.





Agilent: HP Spectrum Analyzer 8566/7/8

The HP8566 is the workhorse of the RF industry. This product has been around for some time proving its reliability, yet its age makes maintenance necessary. Custom-Cal has access to OEM Operation Verification software and manuals, which ensures economical performance testing. This allows the interns to officially conduct tesing and provides for ample time to make adjustments. Notably beyond performing routine performance tests and adjustmets, Custom-Cal is staffed with senior repair technicians comfortable in component level troubleshooting and repair. The combination of young willing talent and depth of expertise of senior members is of value to customers. These service and calibration skills can be applied to the following models: 8566A, 8566B, 8567A, 8567B, 8588A?and?8588B, as well as the EMI Option 462?for the 8566B and?8568B, which?is?compatible with the?85650A Quasi-Peak Adapter, the 85685A RF Preselector, the 85869A EMI measurement software and the?85867A EMI receiver functions program.

Master List of Equipment Needed


  • HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer
  • HP 3455A or HP 3456A System DVM
  • HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper
  • HP 8902A Measuring Reciever or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
  • HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor
  • HP 8112A or HP 8116A Pulse Generator
  • HP 909A Option 012 50 Ohm Termination
  • HP 8721A Coaxial Directional Bridge
  • HP 11667B or HP 11667A Power Splitter
  • HP 5061A Frequency Standard
  • HP 5316A Universal Counter
  • HP 3456 Voltmeter
  • HP 8566A/B Spectrum Analyzer
  • HP 8672A Synthesized Signal Generator
  • HP 3312 Function Generator
  • HP 8340A Signal Generator
  • HP 5345A Electronic Counter


  • HP part number 0955-0306 50 MHz Low Pass Filter (2 needed)
  • HP part number 8120-4921 APC 3.5 Low-Loss Microwave Test
  • Omni-Spectra 2090-6202-00 Reactive Power Divider
  • HP 8493B, Option 020 20 dB Attenuator (2 required)
  • HP 8493B, Option 003 3 dB Attenuator
  • K&L 5L380-250-B/B Low Pass Filter (250 MHz)
  • K&L 6L250-8000-NP/N Low Pass Filter (8 GHz)
  • HP 360B Low Pass Filter (1200 MHz)

Software Automated Performance Testing
These testing procedures are applicable to the following models: 8566, 8567 and 8588.

  • Input Attenuator Switching Check

This is included as an aid to verify operation only and to assist in
troubleshooting. A signal source of known amplitude is connected to the
spectrum analyzer and the analyzer is adjusted for a reference. The input
attenuator is stepped down from 10 dB to 70 dB, while the reference
level and the signal source are stepped up. This maintains the signal
peak at the same approximate location on the display. The amplitude
of the signal is measured at each step using the marker function on
the spectrum analyzer.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer

  • IF Gain Uncertainty

A signal source of known amplitude is connected to the spectrum
analyzer and the analyzer is adjusted for a reference level. The
amplitude of the signal peak is measured in 0.1 dB steps from -0.1 dB
to -1.9 dB, in 2 dB steps from -1.9 dB to -9.9 dB, and in 10 steps
from -10 dB to -120 dB.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer

  • Scale Fidelity (Log)

The specification listed is for cumulative error. Only cumulative error
is measured in this procedure.
A signal source of known amplitude is connected to the spectrum
analyzer and the analyzer is adjusted for a reference. The signal
source is stepped down in 1 dB steps and the displayed signal
amplitude on the spectrum analyzer is measured at each step. This
measurement is performed in both the 3 kHz and 300 kHz bandwidths.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer

  • Scale Fidelity (Linear)

A signal source of known amplitude is connected to the spectrum
analyzer and the analyzer is adjusted for a reference. The signal
source is stepped down from -10 dB to -30 dB in 10 dB steps, and
the amplitude of the displayed signal is measured using the marker
function. This measured value is used to calculate the percent error
from the established reference level.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer

  • Log Scale Switching Uncertainty

A signal source of known amplitude is connected to the spectrum
analyzer and the analyzer is adjusted for a reference in the 1 dB per
division log scale. The spectrum analyzer is then switched to each of
the other LOG scales (2 dB, 5 dB, and 10 dB) and the LINEAR scale.
The amplitude of the signal peak is measured at each setting.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer

  • Resolution Bandwidths (for instruments without Option 462)

A signal source is connected to the spectrum analyzer input. The
analyzer steps through the bandwidths from 3 MHz to 10 Hz, centers
the signal, sets signal peak near the reference level, and measures
the frequency of the 3 dB points for each bandwidth. The 3 dB
bandwidth is then calculated by determining the difference in
frequency between the 3 dB points.
Next the spectrum analyzer steps through the bandwidths and
measures the frequency of the 60 dB points of each bandwidth. The
60 dB bandwidth is then calculated by determining the frequency
difference between the 60 dB points.
The shape factors are calculated by dividing the 60 dB bandwidths by
the 3 dB bandwidths.

  • Impulse and Resolution Bandwidths (Option 462 Impulse Bandwidth)

A source outputting pulsed RF signals is connected to the spectrum
analyzer input. The analyzer steps through the bandwidths from
3 MHz to 1 kHz, and the controller measures the frequency of the
impulse response for each bandwidth. Next, a CW signal is connected
to the spectrum analyzer input. The analyzer steps through all
bandwidths from 3 MHz to 10 Hz, centers the signal, sets the signal
peak near the reference level, and measures the frequency of the 6
dB points for each bandwidth. The 6 dB bandwidth is then calculated
by determining the difference in frequency between the 6 dB points.
Last, the analyzer steps through the bandwidths and measures the
60 dB points for each bandwidth. The 60 dB bandwidth is calculated
for each bandwidth. The selectivity of each bandwidth is then
calculated by dividing the 60 dB bandwidth by the 6 dB bandwidth
for each filter.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer
– HP 8112A or HP 8116A Pulse Generator

  • Line-Related Sidebands

A signal source is connected to the spectrum analyzer input and the
necessary front-panel control settings made for the test. The test
calculates line frequency harmonics, sets the front-panel controls in
order to view the frequencies, and measures the amplitude of the
signal at each of the frequencies.

  • Average Noise Level

The RF INPUT of the spectrum analyzer is terminated with a 50 ohm
load or the synthesizer. The necessary front-panel control settings are
made and the average noise level measured at four non-preselected
and four preselected frequencies.
Equipment needed:
– HP 909A Option 012 50 Ohm Termination

  • Residual Responses

The RF INPUT of the spectrum analyzer is terminated with a 50 ohm
load or the synthesizer. The peak amplitude of the noise or responses
is measured at various frequencies associated with residual responses
caused by harmonics and mixing products of the first, second, and
third local oscillator; the internal reference; and the HP-IB and digital
storage clocks.
Equipment needed:
– HP 909A Option 012 50 Ohm Termination

  • Sweep + Tune Out Accuracy

A digital voltmeter is used to monitor the rear-panel SWEEP + TUNE
OUT voltage while the spectrum analyzer center frequency is set to
nine arbitrary values. The output voltage for each center frequency
setting is checked against the specification.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3455A or HP 3456A System DVM

  • Second Harmonic Distortion

A 40 MHz signal is applied to the analyzer RF INPUT through a 50
MHz low pass filter. The spectrum analyzer is adjusted to measure the
second harmonic at 80 MHz.
Equipment needed:
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer
– HP part number 0955-0306 50 MHz Low Pass Filter (2 needed)

  • Frequency Span Accuracy

A stable signal source is connected to the spectrum analyzer. The
center frequency and span are set to measure spans from 100 kHz to
10 GHz in a 1, 2, 5 sequence.
Equipment needed:
– HP part number 8120-4921 APC 3.5 Low-Loss Microwave Test Cable
– HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper

  • Gain Compression

Gain compression is measured by changing the power level at the
input mixer from -15 dBm to -5 dBm and measuring the change in
display level using the spectrum analyzer marker function. This is
done at two frequencies: 100 MHz and 2.2 GHz to check both the first
mixer and YIG-tuned mixer, respectively.
Equipment needed:
– HP part number 8120-4921 APC 3.5 Low-Loss Microwave Test Cable
– HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor
– HP 8902A Measuring Receiver or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
– HP 11667B or HP 11667A Power Splitter

  • Frequency Response

If this test is individually selected, a menu of the testable bands is
displayed. For all bands, the test consists of 100 data points taken
across the selected band. For the 200 Hz to 22 GHz test, six bands are
tested (600 data points). First the sweeper is used to test from 20 MHz
to 22 GHz, and then the synthesizer is used to test from 200 Hz to 20
MHz. The levels at 20 MHz are matched to guarantee continuity. If
the Frequency Response test is entered from the ALL TESTS Mode,
then the 200 Hz to 22 GHz is selected automatically.
– HP 11667B or HP 11667A Power Splitter
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer
– HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 8902A Measuring Receiver or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
– HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor
– HP part number 8120-4921 APC 3.5 Low-Loss Microwave Test Cable

  • Third Order Intermodulation

Two signals with 1 MHz separation are applied to the first mixer. The
frequencies of third order intermodulation products are calculated
and the spectrum analyzer is set to measure the amplitude of
these responses. The third order intercept is calculated from the
Equipment needed:
– HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 3335A Frequency Synthesizer
– HP 8721A Coaxial Directional Bridge
– HP part number 0955-0306 50 MHz Low Pass Filter (2 needed)
– HP part number 8120-4921 APC 3.5 Low-Loss Microwave Test Cable

  • Cal Output Amplitude Accuracy

The power sensor is connected to the spectrum analyzer CAL
OUTPUT and the power is measured.
Equipment needed:
– HP 8902A Measuring Receiver or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
– HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor

  • First LO Output Power

The power sensor is connected to the spectrum analyzer 1ST LO
OUTPUT and the output power is measured as the LO is stepped from
2.3 GHz to 6.2 GHz in 100 MHz steps.
Equipment needed:
– HP 8902A Measuring Receiver or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
– HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor

Additional Manual Performance Testing

  • Center Frequency Readout Accuracy Test

A synthesized signal source that is phase-locked to a known frequency
standard is used to input a signal to the analyzer. The frequency
readout of the analyzer is compared to the actual input frequency
for several different frequency settings over the analyzer?s range.
The signal source is phase-locked to a standard known to be as
accurate as the analyzer?s internal frequency reference to minimize
the ?frequency reference error X center frequency? term of the
Equipment needed:
– HP 83640A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 5061A Frequency Standard

  • Sweep Time Accuracy Test

A universal counter is connected to the PENLIFT RECORDER
OUTPUT (on the rear panel) of the 8566B. The counter is used in
time interval mode to determine the “pen down” interval of the
PENLIFT RECORDER OUTPUT. The penlift output voltage level
corresponds directly to the sweeping of the analyzer (pen down = 0V)
and not-sweeping of the analyzer (pen up = 15V). A DVM is used to
set the appropriate trigger level of the counter.
Equipment needed:
– HP 5316A Universal Counter
– HP 3456A Voltmeter

(This test is for sweep times ?20 ms. For faster sweep times, refer to Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test.)

  • Noise Sidebands Test

A 5.7 GHz signal with low phase noise is input to the spectrum
analyzer. The signal and noise sidebands are displayed on the analyzer
and the trace is video-averaged. The displayed noise sideband level
at various frequency offsets is measured and the measured values are
corrected for log amplification and detection errors, then normalized
to a 1 Hz bandwidth. A second HP 8566A/B Spectrum Analyzer is
used as the signal source for this test. Therefore, if the measured
values are not within specification limits, either analyzer may be at
Equipment needed:
– HP 8566A/B Spectrum Analyzer

  • Harmonic and Intermodulation Distortion Test

Second harmonic distortion in the non-preselected and preselected
bands is checked with a signal source and low-pass filter. The
low-pass filter ensures that the harmonics measured are due to the
analyzer and not the source. Third-order intermodulation distortion
is measured in the non-preselected and preselected bands with two
signal sources. To prevent source interaction, the synthesizer outputs
are padded and combined in a reactive power divider.
Equipment needed:
– HP 8902A Measuring Receiver or HP 436A or HP 438A Power Meter
– HP 8485A or HP 8481A Power Sensor
– HP 8340A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 8672A Synthesized Signal Generator
– Omni-Spectra 2090-6202-00 Reactive Power Divider
– HP 8493B, Option 020 20 dB Attenuator (2 required)
– HP 8493B, Option 003 3 dB Attenuator
– K&L 5L380-250-B/B Low Pass Filter (250 MHz)
– K&L 6L250-8000-NP/N Low Pass Filter (8 GHz)
– HP 360B Low Pass Filter (1200 Mhz)

  • Image, Multiple, and Out-of-Band Responses Test

Image and out-of-band responses are checked by setting the analyzer
center frequency to several frequencies across the analyzer range and
tuning a leveled signal source to the frequencies determined by the
tuning equation, Fsig = nFLo ? FIF. Input signals at these frequencies
will excite all possible image and out-of-band responses for a given
1st LO frequency and all positive integer values of n. In this test,
only values of n corresponding to the analyzer mixing modes are
used. Multiple responses are checked by applying an input signal
and measuring the response at those center frequencies for which a
harmonic of the 1st LO mixes with the input signal.
Equipment needed:
– HP 8340A Synthesized Sweeper

  • Fast Sweep Time Accuracy Test (~20 ms)

The triangular wave output of a function generator is used to
modulate a 500 MHz signal which is applied to the spectrum analyzer
RF INPUT. The signal is demodulated in the zero span mode to display
the triangular waveform. Sweep time accuracy for sweep times
~20 ms is tested by checking the spacing of the signal peaks on the
displayed waveform.
Equipment needed:
– HP 8340A Synthesized Sweeper
– HP 5316A Universal Counter
– HP 3312A Function Generator

  • Frequency Reference Error Test

The frequency of the spectrum analyzer time base oscillator is
measured directly using a frequency counter locked to a frequency
reference which has an aging rate less than one-tenth that of the
time base specification. After a 30-day warm-up period, a frequency
measurement is made. The analyzer is left undisturbed for a 24-hour
period and a second reading is taken. The frequency change over this
24-hour period must be less than one part in log.
Equipment needed:
– HP 5061A Frequency Standard
-HP 5345A Electronic Counter