Calibration of pH and Conductivity Meters for FDA QSR in MA|ME|RI|NY|VT|NH|CT|PA|DE|VA|FL|CA|WA|Oregon
Ask the Experts at Custom-Cal: Visit www.Custom-Cal.com or call (908) 328-3663 about calibration or repair of your pH and Conductivity Meters. You will talk to a real person! Calibration is a part of FDA QSR & ISO 13485. Calibrations are performed in our lab or on-site by engineers and metrologists with extensive OEM and PMEL experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to performance test your pH and Conductivity Meters, even if they are out of support. We are proud of our quick turnaround times and excellent customer service, and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.
The types of pH and Conductivity Meters we calibrate include but are not limited to
Beckman Coulter 350|510|570
Hanna Instruments HI 222|HI 2210
Metrohm 780|867
Mettler Toledo S20 SevenEasy|S220|S400
YSI SensorNet 2020 XT Multilab 4010-1|4010-2|4010-3|pH1200|5000|5100|3200|3100|pH10a|pH100a |EC30a|EC300a|63 pH|60 pH
Milwaukee Instruments Milwaukee Ins. Mi150|MT609
Oakton Instruments Oakton pH 500
Radiometer Analytical Radiometer ION450|PHM240
Thermo Scientific Cole-Parmer
Fisher Scientific Basic 15|15+
Orion 2-Star|3-Star Plus
VWR sympHony SB70P|SB80PI
Sper Scientific 840087|850055|850060
Want Balance Instrument pH-25|pH-3c|pHS-3CB|pHS-3CU
Extech Instruments: WQ530|341350A-P|407228|DO610|EC510|EX800|EX900|Oyster-10/15/16|PH220-C|PH220-S|PH300|PH50|PH60
Sartorius DOCU-PH|DOCU-PH+|DOCU-PH+/P11DOC|DOCU-PH+/P20|DOCU-PH+/P20DOC|DOCU-PH/P10|DOCU-PH/P10DOC|DOCU-PH/P11|DOCU-PH/P11DOC|DOCU-PH/P20|DOCU-PH/P20DOC|PB-11-P10.1|PB-11-P11.1|PB-11-P20.1|PB-11.1|PP-15|PP-20|PP-25|PP-50|PT-15.0
HACH HQ440d|HQ430d|ISE HQ411d|HQ40d|HQ30d|HQ11d
Horiba D-50|D-51|D-52|D-53|D-54|D-55
FoodCare HI 991961
Eutech pHTestr PH10|PH20|PH30|CyberScan PH 300|pH 310|pH 1|pH 110|EcoScan pH 6| PH510|PH1100| PH 2100| PH1500| PH600| PH6500
Omega PHH65A|PHH65D|PHH-SD1|PHH-715|PHH-45D|PHH-257|PHH-200|PHH-128 |PHB23|CSP407|PHHH30|PHH222|PHH224|PHH830|CSB406|PHB115|PHH103|PHH152|PHH253| PHH37|PHH7000|PHH60
Beckman Coulter 410|420|430|450|460|470|510|520|530|550|560|570
In-Situ SmarTROLL Multiparameter Sensor
Calibrate pH and Conductivity Meters for FDA QSR in MA|ME|RI|NY|VT|NH|CT|PA|DE|VA|FL|CA|WA|Oregon