Many companies find that Custom-Cal’s on-site calibration service helps keep their production lines running.
With budgets so tight, most companies can?t afford to shut down their production lines to send out test equipment for calibration. Nor can they afford the spare equipment needed to keep production lines running. Since equipment calibration is not optional, more companies are asking us to calibrate their equipment on-site.
Custom-Cal?s on-site calibration program not only keeps production lines running, it offers other benefits:
- On-site calibration significantly increases equipment utilization by removing shipping time and normal calibration lab lead times.
- On-site calibration also eliminates shipping damage and other potential hazards of transporting your valuable test equipment off-premises.
Custom-Cal offers on-site calibration worldwide and can tailor our calibration services to meet your production needs and support your company?s specific quality requirements.
Calibration Pricing
Custom-Cal has developed a baseline price for many calibrations we perform at our calibration laboratories.? Generally we can offer these same low prices to our on-site calibration customers.? Our prices are not set in stone, and we?re always trying to find ways to save you money. For example, we might recommend that you have several pieces of equipment serviced in a single on-site visit, thereby saving you the cost? of unnecessary service calls. We will also mark appropriate items as ?No Calibration Required? and customize our calibration process to match the parameters that are critical to you.
Wide range of instruments
We offer our on-site calibration services for a wide range of electronics test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment:
- Optical and photonic
- RF and microwave
- Communication, Cellularar , LAN, Wi-Fi, protocol and satellite
- Bench equipment and general-purpose test and measurement (TMDE)
- Environmental, and
- Mechanical and hand tools, include medical diagnostic equipment
On-line tool provides valuable insight
Custom-Cal?s friendly staff proactively helps our clients schedule on-site calibrations using the ?My Data? on-line tool. My Data provides our customers valuable insight into what instruments are coming due for calibration, where they are located, and when an instrument is due for calibration, the tool helps to produce a quote for services based on the last calibration visit.
In addition to keeping track of your test equipment inventory and scheduling calibrations, My Data allows you to track calibration histories and access calibration certificates. By providing all this data, My Data makes the equipment tracking and calibration process a lot more efficient.
Custom-Cal calibrates thousands of different instruments, including many that are no longer supported by the original manufacturer. To find out more about Custom-Cal’s calibration services, visit test equipment calibration services page on our website, or contact any of our representatives to learn more about this valuable service.