Test Equipment Calibration and Repair; Repairs tailored to your business using sound metrology practice and reasoning.
? Industry Experts at your fingertips to solve your measurement and calibration problems.
? Access premium refurbished used, calibrated test equipment/TMDE with warranty.
? Repair experts, RF and Hi speed optical communication test equipment.
? Trade-in and consign your test equipment for preferential tax treatment.
? Preventative Maintenance(PM) available during the calibration service.
? National and International coverage including Asia and Mexico & EU.
? National Test Equipment Rentals & Lab Rent, our stock & partners.
We focus on the calibration of test equipment no long supported by the original equipment manufacture (OEM) deemed to be at the end of life (EOL) & out of support by the OEM due to age or obsolescence.
CC repair/calibration efforts and expertise have saved clients over $14K in a single repair incident. Our repair & calibration prices are typically at least 40% lower than Cal Lab’s who subcontract repair work. Customers working with CC avoid OEM flat or standard rates and avoid MARK-UPs & shipping delays imposed by those who say they repay test equipment and, in fact, subcontract repair & calibration.