A calibration by Custom-Cal is performed by engineers with extensive OEM experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to perform the GIGATRONICS 8003 Calibration, onsite calibration may be available.
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The Gigatronics 8003 Precision Scalar Analyzer measures scalar (magnitude only) properties of microwave components. These properties include insertion characteristics (gain or attenuation) and reflection characteristics (return loss or VSWR). It offers a 90 dB dynamic range with a linearity of ±0.04 dB in the CW Mode and ±0.06 dB in the Swept Mode. A unique feature of the 8003 is its ability to make CW power meter-accurate power measurements. Giga-tronics power sensors include EEPROMs programmed with Cal Factor data to give fully corrected power readings during frequency sweeps. A front panel calibrator linearizes sensors and bridges to ±0.04 dB linearity, and provides an absolute power accuracy of ±0.7% at 1 mW. The 8003 can be used as a 3-channel power meter.
System. Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 40 GHz in coax using Giga-tronics 803XXA Series power sensors and 80500 Series bridges and an appropriate sweeper. Power Range: +30 to -70 dBm.
System Dynamic Range. CW Measurements: 90 dB. Swept Measurements; AC Mode: 90 dB, DC Mode: 80 dB. Peak Measurements: 40 dB. Inputs: Three identical inputs, A, B and C accept detected outputs from Giga-tronics power sensors and bridges.