The Aeroflex 2031 2.7 GHz Signal Generator features a dot matrix display with soft key selected screen options allow flexibility of operation and ease of use. The output may be amplitude, phase, or frequency modulated with pulse modulation available as an option. Modulation is available using a combination of up to two external signal inputs and a built-in LF source. Available options include a second build-in modulation source; avionics modulation (ILS and VOR); pulse modulation; RF level profiling and complex sweep; electronic attenuator. Microprocessor control ensures that the instruments are flexible and easy to use and allows programming by the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB). Specifications. Frequency Range: 10 kHz to 2.7 GHz. Indication: 11 digits with annunciators. Resolution: 0.1 Hz. Accuracy: As frequency standard. Phase incrementing: The carrier phase can be advanced or retarded in steps of 1.5° using the rotary control. RF Output Range: -144 dBm to +13 dBm. Indication: 4 digits with unit annunciators. Resolution: 0.1 dB. Harmonics at RF levels up to +7 dBm : Better than -30 dBc for carrier frequencies to 1 GHz; Better than -27 dBc for carrier frequencies above 1 GHz. Four modulation modes are available: FM, Wideband FM, phaseM, AM or pulse (optional). Options; 001 - Second modulation oscillator. 002 - Pulse modulation. 003 - High output power. 005 - GMSK Bt 0.3. 006 - Avionics. 008 - RF profiles and complex sweep. 009 - Pulse generator. 010 - DME modulator. 012 - Electronic attenuator. 100 - Single fuse version. 105 - Modified pulse modulator. 112 - EXT MOD 2 input 600 ohm.