The Aeroflex IFR COM-120C is a microprocessor controlled, digitally synthesized communication service monitor, which combines the operations of many different test instruments into a single, compact unit. It is capable of generating CW or modulated signals from 250 kHz to 1000 MHz. The output level is variable from -130 to -13 dBm. Modulation types include AM, FM and PM (Phase Modulation) or apply an external modulation source. Generate DTMF, User Defined Tone Codes or Digital Codes. The COM-120C receives CW and modulated signals ranging from 250 kHz to 1000 MHz. In addition to single frequency operation, it demodulates and detects AM, FM and PM modulated signals and executes defined frequency sweep operations by scanning a range of predetermined Frequency List settings. Receive Operation Metering functions include RF Power, AM Modulation, FM Deviation, Phase Modulation, Distortion, Frequency Error, AF Frequency, Received Level and SINAD. Full Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer operation is available. The RF Generator and RF Receiver both work in Duplex Operation Mode with the added capacity of using offset frequencies up to ±999.7500 MHz. The Aeroflex IFR COM-120C has two Audio Generators. One generator has a range of 10 Hz through 20 kHz and the second generator has a fixed 1 kHz tone. The waveforms are sine, square, triangle and ramp. It has a 50 kHz single trace Oscilloscope which can operate as a dependent or independent function in each of the Operation Modes. The Spectrum Analyzer monitors internal and external signals ranging from 250 kHz to 1000 MHz. The Scan width range is editable from 1 kHz to 100 MHz per/div. Options. Option 01 – Internal Battery. Option 02 – 0.01 OCXO. Option 03 – 30 kHz IF Filter. Option 04 – Variable Audio Generator 2. Option 05 – Generate Amplifier. Option 07 – Data Generator/Bit Error Rate (BER) Meter. Option 08 – SSB Receive Filter. Option 09 – RCC Signaling. Option 11 – Audio/Digital Signaling. Option 12 - Tracking Generator. Option 13 - IEEE 488 (GPIB) Interface. Option 14 - CLEARCHANNEL LTR. Option 15 - AMPS Mobile Station Test. Option 16 - EDACS.