The IFR FM/AM-1500 is a microprocessor controlled, digitally synthesized Communications Service Monitor. The receiver is a quadruple conversion superheterodyne receiver, capable of monitoring communication signals within a range of 300 kHz to 999.9999 MHz. The signal generator is capable of generating modulated or unmodulated carrier signals within a range of 100 kHz to 999.9999 MHz, at an output level which is continuously variable from 0 to -128 dBm. (The output level may be increased up to +20 dBm with the use of an optional High Output Amplifier.) Specification. RF Signal Generator Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 999.9999 MHz in 100 Hz increments. Frequency Accuracy: TXCO Master Oscillator, 5 * 10^-7 = 0.00005%. Residual FM: 50 Hz RMS (typically 30 Hz RMS)(Post detection 50-300 Hz). RF Output Power: 0 dBm to -128 dBm continuously adjustable into 50 Ohms (No range changing). RF Output Accuracy: ±2 dB (-10 to -80 dBm), ±2.5 dB (-80 to -128 dBm) . Duplex Generator Frequency Range: ±49.99 MHz from receive frequency (as indicated on front panel (LCD) in 10 kHz steps.). Duplex Generator Output Power: 0 dBm to -128 dBm continuously adjustable into 50 Ohms (No range changing).