The ILX LIGHTWAVE CSM-39050 500 mA Current Source is a precision current source module for use in the LDC-3900 Modular Laser Diode Controller. It may be installed in any of the four bays at the rear of the LDC-3900 (and may readily be interchanged with any other LDC-3900 module). Specifications.
Current Source; Set Point Accuracy: ±400 µA. Set Point Resolution: 4 µA. Compliance Voltage (fixed): 6.5 V maximum. Temperature Coefficient: < 60 ppm/°C. Stability, for 1 hour: < 20 ppm. Stability, for 24 hours: < 40 ppm. Noise and Ripple High Bandwidth Mode: < 5 µA rms. Noise and Ripple Low Bandwidth Mode: < 3 µA rms. Noise and Ripple CW Mode (with 320 cable): < 1.5 µA rms. Bandwidth High Bandwidth Mode: DC to 200 KHz. Bandwidth Low Bandwidth Mode: DC to 5 KHz. Bandwidth CW Mode (with 320 cable): DC to 30 Hz.
Photodiode Feedback; Range: 5 to 5000 µA. Output Stability: ±1 µA. Accuracy: ±2.5 µA. Bias Voltage: 0 - 5 V reverse bias (± 10%) (adjustable on back panel).
Laser Drive Current Display; Output Current Range: 0.00 to 500.00 mA. Output Current Resolution: 0.01 mA. Output Current Accuracy at 25°C: ±0.1% of FS. Photodiode Current Range: 0 - 5,000 µA. Photodiode Current Resolution: 1 µA. Photodiode Current Accuracy: ±2 µA. Responsivity Range: 0 - 600.00 µA/mW. Responsivity Resolution: 0.01 µA/mW. Optical Power Range: 0 - 500.00 mW. Output Power Resolution: 0.1 mW. Type: 5-digit green LED.
Current Limit Setting; Range: 0 - 500 mA. Resolution: 2 mA. Accuracy: ±5 mA.