The Keithley 220 Programmable Current Source incorporates a 100-step, programmable memory buffer, useful in applications where either a fixed number of outputs is repeated, or a complex waveform of discrete steps must be generated. In system applications, the buffer can be loaded through the bus and the 220 can be commanded to sequence through memory while the controller is busy on other tasks. The TRIGGER IN /OUT feature, when used in the STEP mode, allows the source to synchronize the measurements of other instruments. The TRIGGER OUT occurs after the completion of dwell time; TRIGGER IN causes the 220 to advance to its next program step. Four TTL-compatible input and output (I /O) lines are provided on each model to receive and generate system commands. Ranges 1nA to 100mA, full range current from ±1.9995 nA to ±101.00 mA. Step Size 50 uA to 500 fA. Incorporates a selectable voltage compliance of up to 105 V in 1 V increments. The 100 memory locations allow up to 100 storage points for programming source, V-limit, and dwell time. Can be used with any measurement system that uses the IEEE-488 interface bus or operated via the front-panel.