Two channel, High Impedance, amplifier plug-in for the 11000 Series and DSA 600A Series mainframes. Offers switchable 1 M-ohm/50 ohm input impedance. Bandwidth (Max) - 400 MHz. Calibrated Deflection Factors - Coarse steps: 1 mV to 10 V/div in 1-2-5 sequence Fine steps: Between coarse steps in 1 % increments of next more-sensitive coarse step. Accuracy - delta Volts DC accuracy: With 11400: ± (0.9% + 0.012 div). With DSA 600: ± (10% + 0.02 div). DC Balance, 1 to 99.5 mV/div: ± (1.0 mV + 0.10 div). Offset Accuracy, 1 to 99.5 mV/div (± 1 V range): (± 0.2% + 0.5 mV). For absolute DC accuracy of single-point measurements using offset, add the Offset Accuracy and DC Balance terms. Offset Range - 1 to 99.5 mV/div: ± 1 V; Resolution: 25 uV. 100 mV to 0.995 V/div: ± 10 V; Resolution: 250 uV. 1 to 10 V/div: ± 100 V; Resolution: 2.5 mV. Overdrive Recovery -1 to 99.5 mV/div: To within ±(0.3% +0.2 div) within 50 ns from ±2 V step. 100 to 995 mV/div: To within ± 1 % within 50 ns from ±20 V step. 1 to 10 V/div: To within ± 1 % within 50 ns from ±200 V step. Typical Noise (RMS) - 1 to 1.99 mV/div: 0.12 div. 2 to 4.98 mV/div: 0.06 div. 5 to 9.95 mV/div: 0.025 div. 10 mV to 10 V/div: 0.014 div. Input Impedance - Switchable: 1 M-ohm in parallel with 15 pF, or 50 ohm ±0.5% Input Coupling Modes - AC, DC, and OFF. AC Coupled Low Frequency; -3 dB point, driven from 50 ohm source: less than 10Hz. Maximum Input Voltage - 1 M-ohm mode: 500 V (DC + peak AC). 50 ohm mode: The input impedance is switched to 1 M-ohm when the input signal exceeds safe limits. Manual reset by re-selecting 50 ohm input impedance.