Single Channel Vertical amplifier plug-in for the 11000 Series mainframes. Bandwidth: Dc to 1 GHz. Deflection Factor - 10 mV/div to 1 V/div in 1-2-5 sequence. Accuracy - delta Volts dc accuracy: With 11301/11302: ± (0.9% + 0.05 div). With 11401/11402: ± (0.7% + 0.03 div). Dc Balance: ±0.2 div. Input Impedance - 50 ohm ± 2%; VSWR <1.45:1, dc to 1 GHz. Input Coupling Modes - Ac, dc, off. Ac Low Frequency -3dB Point - 1 kHz. Offset Range - ± 10 divisions, 0.025 division resolution, all deflection factors. Max Input Voltage - 50 ohm input automatically disconnects when the signal exceeds safe limits. Manual reset. Typical Noise (RMS) - 0.01 div.