Tektronix 7A19 High performance, wide band, single trace plug-in amplifier for the 7100 Series mainframes. Bandwidth - Dc Coupled: 600 MHz (10 mV/div to 1 V/div). Deflection Factor - Calibrated: 10 mV/div to 1 V/div in seven steps (1-2-5 sequence). Accuracy is within 3%. Input Z - 50 ohm. Option 04, Variable Signal Delay - Permits matching the transit time of two preamps and probes to better than 50 ps. Range is ± 500 ps. Maximum Input Voltage - Dc Coupled: 50 V or 10 V RMS (whichever is less). Ac Coupled: 100 V additional. Dc Stability - Drift with Ambient Temperature (Line Voltage Constant): 100 uV/C or less.