The Tektronix P6209 is a 4 GHz (probe only), 5X active FET probe with 1 pF input capacitance. The probe is designed primarily for use with sampling oscilloscopes, such as the CSA/TDS8000. The P6209 has a low input capacitance and high input resistance, which minimize circuit loading over a wide bandwidth range. The small profile and low-mass head of the P6209 make manual probing of crowded circuits fast and easy. The accessory tips and adapters enable the P6209 to be used on a wide variety of circuit architectures. The Tektronix P6209 is powered through a TEKPROBE SMA interface between the probe compensation box and the oscilloscope. Specifications. DC Gain Accuracy (probe only): 0.2 ±2% (excludes offset error). Rise Time (small signal, probe only): <=120 ps (<= 250 mV, 20--30° C). Delay Time: 5.95 ns ±0.2 ns (includes SMA output cable). System Noise: 300 uV rms or less at output of probe with probe tip grounded. Bandwidth, (probe only): 4 GHz. Linear Input Dynamic Range: -2.00 V to +2.00 V. (Equivalent to --0.40 V to +0.40 V at the output of the probe.). Linearity: ±0.1% over a dynamic range of --1.75 V to +1.75 V (±3.5 mV). Input Resistance: 20 kohm at DC. Input Capacitance: 0.85 pF @100 MHz. Offset Range: --5.0 V to +5.0 V. DC Offset Drift: 150 uV/°C or less at output of probe. DC Offset Scale Accuracy (gain of offset signal path): ±2.0% (of 5X actual probe gain).