100 MHz Analog Oscilloscope. Dual channel. Rise Time: <= 3.5 ns. Defection Factor: 2 mV/div to 5 V/div, continuously variable between V/div settings. Deflection Factor Basic Accuracy: ±2%. Bandwidth Limit: 20 MHz. Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND. Max Input Voltage: 400 V (DC + peak AC); 800 Vp-p AC at <= 10 kHz. Input R and C: 1 M-Ohm ±1% in parallel with 20 pF ±2.0 pF. Channel Isolation: >= 50 dB at 10 MHz, >= 35 dB at 100 MHz. Vertical Modes: CH 1, CH 2; ADD, INVERT, ALT, or CHOP. AC-Coupled Lower -3 dB Point: <= 10 Hz with a 1X probe. The AC-coupled lower frequency limits are reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X, passive probes are used. Common Mode Rejection Ratio: >= 10:1. Main Sweep Time Base Range: 0.5 s/div to 20 ns/div (to 2 ns/div with X10 magnification). Delayed Sweep Time Base Range: 5 ms/div to 20 ns/div (to 2 ns/div with X10 magnification). Time Base Accuracy: ±2%, ±3% magnified. Delay Jitter: 25000 to 1 for sweep speeds <1 ms/div. 10,000 for all other sweep speeds. Triggering Main Mode Selections: AUTO LEVEL, (with auto baseline), AUTO, NORM, TV LINE, TV FIELD (both, odd and even), SGL, SEQ. A and B Trigger Coupling: DC, HF Reject, Noise Reject, LF Reject and AC for both Main and Delayed. Trigger Sensitivity - DC: 0.30 division from DC to 25 MHz, increasing linearly to 1 div at 150 MHz.