The Fluke Model 5820A Oscilloscope Calibrator is a precise instrument that calibrates analog and digital oscilloscopes. Features of the 5820A Calibrator include the following: Automatic meter error calculation. Mult x and Div + keys that change the output value to pre-determined cardinal values for various functions. Programmable entry limits that prevent invalid amounts from being entered. Edge, Leveled Sine, Pulse, Marker, and Wave Generation modes. Accurate oscilloscopic input impedance measurement. Tunnel Diode Pulse compatibility. DC Volt Measure Mode. Current Mode generates both DC and low frequency AC current. 1 ns to 500 ns pulse width capability with skew controlled trigger. External reference. Auxiliary input. 5-channel output (5-channel option). The 5-channel option allows you to calibrate up to five oscilloscope channels simultaneously without changing cables. Simultaneous output of a signal and a trigger signal. 600 MHz, Leveled Sine wave output. Optional 600 MHz - 2.1 GHz, Leveled Sine wave output with 150 ps fast edge. Standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface, complying with ANSI/IEEE Standards 488.1-1987 and 488.2-1987. EIA Standard RS-232-C serial data interface for printing, displaying, or transferring internally stored calibration constants, and for remote control of the 5820A. Pass-through RS-232-C serial data interface for communicating with the Unit Under Test (UUT). Extensive automatic internal self testing and diagnostics of analog and digital functions. The 5820A Calibrator may be operated at the front panel in the local mode, or remotely using RS-232 or IEEE-488 ports. For remote operations, several software options are available to integrate 5820A operation into a wide variety of calibration requirements. Options. The 5820A-5 option allows you to operate up to five oscilloscope channels without changing cables. The GHz option extends the ranges of the Leveled Sine Wave and Time Marker functions as follows: Leveled Sine Wave frequency range is increased from 600 MHz to 2.1 GHz. Time Marker function smallest period is decreased from 2 ns to 500 ps.