The Anritsu MG3693A synthesized signal generator is a microprocessor-based, synthesized signal source with high resolution phase-lock capability. It can generate both discrete CW frequencies and broad (full range) and narrow band step sweeps across the frequency range of 2 GHz to 30 GHz. Options are available to extend the low end of the frequency range to 0.1 Hz. All functions of the signal generator are fully controllable locally from the front panel or remotely (except for power on/standby) via the IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus. Specifications. Frequency Range: 2 GHz to 30 GHz. Resolution - 0.01 Hz. Phase Offset - 0.1 dB steps. RF Frequency Coverage Extension, down to 0.1 Hz. An optional down-converter covers 10 MHz to 2 GHz, An optional DDS offers additional coverage to 0.1 Hz. Excellent Phase Noise performance as standard. Add optional ultra low phase noise > 2 GHz. Add an optional digital down-converter for: Lowest Phase Noise RF source from 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz ( < 130 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset). Power Output: standard, 9 dBm >=2 to <=20 GHz, 6 dBm >20 to <=30 GHz; Option 15: 15 dBm >=2 to <=10 GHz, 12 dBm >10 to <=20 GHz, 14 dBm >20 to <=30 GHz . Wide Attenuation Range. - 110 dB Mechanical Attenuator Option. - 120 dB Electronic Attenuator Option. AM/FM/ØM/PM, External or Internal. - 100 ns leveled pulse width >2 GHz, 1 µs <2 GHz. IF Up-Conversion Option. Obtain IQ-modulation microwave signals by up-converting a modulated IF signal. Digital or Analog Sweep