The ILX Lightwave LDP-3840B is a microprocessor controlled pulsed current source designed specifically for pulse testing laser diodes. It provides accurate, clean pulses up to 3A at laser diode load levels with fast rise times of <50 nS and low overshoot (<5%). Pulse parameters such as pulse width, duty cycle, and frequency are programmable from the front panel or through the GPIB/IEEE interface. The current source can be operated in two modes, constant duty cycle and constant frequency allowing adjustment of the pulse width while maintaining either respective control mode. Specifications. Pulse Amplitude; Output Current Range: 0 to 3000 mA. Set Point Resolution: 1000 uA. Set Point Accuracy (% of FS): + 2.5%. Compliance Voltage: 10 V maximum. Overshoot: <5%. Noise and Ripple (uA rms): 500 uA. Pulse Parameters; Pulse Width Range: 100 ns to 10 ms. Pulse Width Resolution: 100 ns. Pulse Width Accuracy: -35 to 10 ns, +0.01% of set point. Rise/Fall Time: < 50 ns. Pulse Repetition Interval Range Internal: 1 us to 100 ms. Interval Range External: 1 us to single shot. Resolution: 1 us. Accuracy: 20 ns + 0.01%. Trigger Output Type: TTL. Trigger Input Type: TTL.