Exfo FTB-100B Mini-OTDR Mainframe, supports multimode and singlemode EXFO OTDR modules. Power Meter Specifications (InGaAs detector): Power range 4 dBm to -70 dBm. Uncertainty ± 5% from 0 dBm to -46 dBm. Linearity ± 0.05 dB from 0 dBm to -46 dBm, ± 0.1 dB from -46 dBm to -57 dBm. Display resolution 0.01 dB from 4 dBm to -63 dBm, 0.1 dB from -63 dBm to -70 dBm. Tone detection 270 Hz, 1000 Hz, 200 Hz. Up to 128 000 points per trace. User defined thresholds for splice loss, total loss, back reflection, etc. Rugged and splashproof. Visual fault locator (optional). Power meter (optional). Pass/fail result validation. Touchscreen interface. Large choice of high-performance. Easily interchangeable OTDR modules. Triple wavelength configurations. Passive optical network (PON) capability.