The Newport 1918-C Hand-held Optical Meter is designed to provide a powerful combination of features to measure optical power and energy of near-monochromatic or monochromatic sources. The instrument is powered by internal, rechargeable batteries, or via the AC wall-plug, hence making it a useful tool for both stationary and portable applications. Compatibility with Photodiode, Thermopile and Pyroelectric detectors. (Low-Power (Semiconductor) Family, High-Power (Thermopile) Family, Energy (Pyroelectric) Family, PMT, GaN, PbS, PbSe, and HgCdZnTe). Measurement rate up to 4 kHz with internal signal sampling rate of 250 kHz. Multiple measurement modes for power and energy measurements: Single, Continuous, Integrated, and Peak-to-Peak. Software suite, including LabVIEW drivers and Windows application. 250,000 internal data point storage. External USB flash-memory compatibility. USB Device interface. Full color TFT 4" LCD