The Giga-tronics 80353A 26.5 GHz Peak Power Sensor to an 8650A meter and directly measure the instantaneous peak power level of a pulse modulated signal. Use the ‘sample delay’ function to set the desired measurement point on the waveform. And an external scope can be used to view the profile and see the exact measurement point on the pulse. Measurement Capabilities. CW Power Level: –30 to +20 dBm. Pulse Modulation: > 350 ns Pulse Width. Frequency Range/Power Range: 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz (–20 to +20 dBm, Peak) (–30 to +20 dBm, CW). Maximum Power: +23 dBm (200 mW) CW or Peak. Power Linearity Frequency >8 GHz: ±0.00 dB (–30 to –20 dBm), ±0.1 dB/10 dB (–20 to +20 dBm). RF Connector: Type K(m), 50 ohm. VSWR: 1.12 (0.01 - 2 GHz), 1.22 (2 - 12.4 GHz), 1.37 (12.4 - 18 GHz), 1.50 (18 - 26.5 GHz).