Custom-Cal has for sale a new UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037. Also, short calibration turn times minimize downtime and reasonable rates decrease your long-term cost of ownership and minimizes downtime of the UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.

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List Price for a new UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037, $9,800.00   UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037   Description / Specification:   Spec Sheet 
UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037 High Resolution Fiber Grating Sensor

The UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037 portable high resolution fiber grating sensor instrument is a high power with high accuracy and wide dynamic range for fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, and compact PC-based interrogation system, and is also a high accurate optical spectral analysis system. It includes an external device, PC-based application software and optional high performance laptop. With a build-in tunable laser source and two channel photo detectors (no additional light source is required), the system can perform high accurate measurements in temperature, strain, and pressure in conjunction with FBG sensors/sensor arrays. Meanwhile it is a high accurate optical spectrum analyzer. The system provides users explicit understanding of how the spectral shape of FBG sensors rapidly respond to varying temperature, stain, pressure in the detection environment - rather than only reporting shifts of the detecting central wavelengths. This instrument is used in both the initial development of high-volume custom sensing systems and also long term field measurement applications. The two detector channels allow simultaneous interrogation of multiple sensors (up to 20 sensors per channel) in one channel and both channel analysis. Each optical channel can be used to interrogate fiber gratings in either transmission or reflection. A wide variety of fiber optic sensors/sensor arrays can be used with the system. All data can be transferred to an external PC via a RS232 or USB communication port. Specifications. Built-in Laser Wavelength Range: 1525.00 to 1566.00 nm. Built-in Laser Output Power: >= 20 mW. Wavelength Resolution: 1.0 pm. Optical Channel Number: 2 CH (up to 64 channel optional). Maximum FBG Sensor Per Channel: 20 Sensors in full spectrum 1525 to1566 nm. Built-in Laser Wavelength Repeatability: +/- 3 pm, typ. +/- 1 pm. Photo Sensor Dynamic Range: > 60 dB. Sweep Speed: Up to 10 Hz. Connector: FC/APC. Typical Grating Configuration: Reflectivity: 90%, BW: 0.25nm. Communication Interface: RS232 and USB. Dimensions: 200 mm H, 105 mm W, 250 mm D. Weight: 10.0 lbs.


Standard Calibration $330.00 *
*This is a Web introductory price for one calibration of the UC INSTRUMENTS GM8037. Price does not in most cases include measurement performance data. Pricing does include NIST traceable calibration and issue of a calibration certificate and calibration label. Pricing may vary slightly due to volume and location of laboratory supporting calibration. Volume pricing may apply. On-site fees may apply depending on logistics, location and volume of work to be completed during the visit.

Related Optical Terms and Definitions. For a complete list go to our  Terms and Definitions Page.

Optical power referenced to 1 millimatt

Multimode Fiber
Multimode Fiber has a large core (almost always 62.5 microns - a micron is one one millionth of a meter - but sometimes 50 microns) and is used with LED sources at wavelengths of 850 and 1300 nm for short distance, lower speed networks like LANs. Both multimode and singlemode fiber have an outside diameter of 125 microns - about 5 thousandths of an inch - just slightly larger than a human hair.

Power Repeatability
Power Repeatability is the random uncertainty in reproducing the power level after changing and re-setting the power level. The power repeatability is ± half the span (in dB) between the highest and lowest actual power. Note: - The long-term power repeatability can be obtained by taken the power repeatability and power stability into account.

Refractive Index
The refractive index or index of refraction of a substance is a measure of the speed of light in that substance. It is expressed as a ratio of the speed of light in vacuum relative to that in the considered medium. The velocity at which light travels in vacuum is a physical constant, and the fastest speed at which energy or information can be transferred. However, light travels slower through any given material, or medium, that is not vacuum.

Total insertion loss
A measure of the loss of light within an optical component

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