The Ophir Nova II is a microprocessor-based Laser Power/Energy Meter providing a broad range of measurements, displays, and data handling options. It operates with thermopile, pyroelectric and photodiode sensors, and uses smart connector technology.
Input Specifications Thermal, Photodiode. Input Ranges: 15 nA - 1.5 mA full scale in 16 ranges. A to D Sampling rate: 15Hz. A to D Resolution: 23 bits plus sign (0.00001%). A to D Linearity: better than 17 bits (0.0009%. Electrical accuracy: ±0.25% ± 20 pA new; ±0.5% ±50 pA after 1 year. Electrical input noise level: 500 nV or 1.5 pA + 0.0015% of input range @3Hz. Dynamic range: 9 decades (1:109).
Input Specifications Pyroelectric Sensors. Input Range: 0 - 6V full scale. A to D Sampling rate: 4 KHz. A to D resolution: 12 bits no sign (0.025% resolution). Electrical accuracy: ±0.25% new; ±0.5% after 1 year. Electrical input noise: 2 mV.
General Specifications. Detector Compatibility: Thermopile, photodiode and pyroelectric. Analog output 4 scales, user-configurable: 1v,2v,5v,10v full-scale; 0.03% resolution, 100 ohms impedance. Analog output accuracy: ±0.2% (of reading) ±0.3% of full scale volts.