The Megger MIT410 insulation and continuity tester offers those working in electrical engineering, the electrical supply industry and in maintenance, repair and servicing of industrial equipment and manufacturing processes a convenient test instrument. Specifications.
Insulation. Nominal test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V. Range full scale accuracy: All ranges ±2% ±2 digits up to 100 MΩ. Short circuit current: 2 mA +0% -50%. Terminal voltage: -0% +20% ±1 V (Ii <1 mA). Test current on load: 1 mA at min. pass value of insulation specified in BS7671, HD384 and IEC364, EN61152-2, 2 mA max. EN61557 operating range: 0,10 MΩ to 1,00 GΩ. Leakage current range: 10 μA to 2000 μA. Leakage current: 10% ±3 digits. Voltage display: 3% ±3 digits ±0.5% of rated voltage. Polarization Index (PI): 10 min / 1 minute ratio. Dielectric absorption Ratio (DAR): 60 sec / 30 sec ratio.
Continuity. EN61557 operating range: 0, 01 Ω to 99, 9 Ω (0 to 100 Ω on analogue scale). Accuracy: ± 2% ± 2 digits (0 to 100 Ω). Open circuit voltage: 5 V ± 1 V. Test current: 205 mA (±5 mA) (0.01 Ω to 9.99 Ω), 20 mA (±1 mA) (10.0 Ω to 99.9 Ω). Zero offset at probe tips: 0, 10 Ω typical. Lead resistance zeroing: Up to 9, 99 Ω. Buzzer: Variable limit 1 Ω, 2 Ω, 5 Ω, 10 Ω, 20 Ω.
Resistance. EN61557 operating range: 0, 01 k Ω to 1000 k Ω (0 to 1 M Ω on analogue scale). Accuracy: ±3% up to 50 k Ω then ±5% ±2 digits. Open circuit voltage: 5 V ±1 V. Short circuit current: 1.5 mA ±0.2 mA.
Voltage range. 0 to 600 V d.c. ± 2% ± 2 digits. 10 mV to 600 V TRMS sinusoidal (40 - 400 Hz) ±2% ±2 digits.
Default Voltmeter. Operates at >25 volts a.c. or d.c., on any range except OFF. Frequency: 15-400Hz (15Hz - 99,9Hz) ±0.5% ±1 digit (100Hz to 400Hz).