The Yokogawa 701262 Universal Voltage and Temperature Module (with Anti-Aliasing Filter,2 ch) is used with the DL750, DL750P, SL1400 & SL1000 mainframes. Thermocouple (K, E, J, T, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, iron-doped gold/chromel), with AAF. Specifications. Input channels: 2. Input signals: Voltage or temperature (thermocouple). AAF (anti-aliasing filter): included. Input couplings: TC (thermocouple), DC, AC, GND. Input types: Isolated unbalanced. Maximum sample rate Voltage: 100 kS/s. Data updating rateTemperature: 500 Hz. A/D conversion resolution: Voltage, 16 bits (24,000 LSB/range), temperature, 0.1°C resolution. Frequency range (-3 dB): Voltage DC, up to 40 kHz. Frequency range (-3 dB): Temperature DC, up to 100 Hz. Input range Voltage (1:1): 50 mV to 200 V range (10 div display, steps of 1, 2, or 5). Input range Temperature K, E, J, T, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, iron doped gold/chromel. Effective measurement range (voltage): 2 times the setting range. DC offset (voltage): 1/2 the setting range. DC accuracy: (voltage) ± (0.25% of range). Input connector: Binding post. Input impedance: Approximately 1 M-ohm. Input filters Voltage: OFF, AUTO (AAF), 4 kHz, 400 Hz, 40 Hz (-12 dB, oct, except AUTO). Input filters Temperature: OFF, 30 Hz, 8 Hz, 2 Hz. AAF (anti-aliasing filter): when fs = 50 Hz to 100 kHz, fs <= 50 Hz or less is fixed to fc = 20 Hz.