The Exfo FLS-2600B Tunable Laser Source is ideal for complete characterization of fiber-optic filters, multiplexers and other dense WDM components. They are the logical choice for instrumentation calibration and for measuring wavelength-dependent gain, noise contribution and the saturation properties of EDFAs. This second-generation tunable erbium-doped fiber laser delivers exacting wavelength accuracy for long periods of use. Wavelength can now be tuned over a wide range of1510 nm to 1612 nm. Output power is greater than 0 dBm over the critical 1515 nm to 1610 nm range. The tunable laser source integrates both a monitor output port and a main output port. The monitor port, which is essentially a 5 % tap from the laser cavity, is useful for real-time wavelength monitoring in tests where optimum wavelength accuracy plays a major role. In addition, the main output is regulated in output power and can be attenuated over a 10 dB range. Specifications. Wavelength Range: 1510 to 1612 nm. Display resolution: 1 pm. Effective spectral linewidth FWHM: 1.3 GHz (typical). Uncertainty: ±15 pm. Sweep rate: 50 nm/s (maximum), 2 nm/s (minimum). Tuning time: 75 ms (typical). Output power: >= 0 dBm (1515 nm to 1610 nm). Stability 15 minutes: ±0.005 dB (delta = 0.01). Signal to total SSE: >= 45 dB. Attenuation range: 10 dB. Linearity with attenuation: ±0.3 dB (typical). Output fiber type: SMF-28.