The Amprobe 5XP-A digital multimeter provides unique features such as VolTect™ non-contact voltage (NVC) detection and our exclusive Magne-Grip™ holster that frees both hands for work. The 5XP-A is the right choice for residential, commercial and general troubleshooting applications. Specifications. DC Voltage ranges: 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, 200 V, 1000 V. DC Voltage accuracy: all ranges: ± (1 % rdg + 1 dgt). DC Voltage resolution: 100 µV. AC Voltage (45 Hz to 500 Hz) ranges: 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V, 200 V, 750 V. AC Voltage (45 Hz to 500 Hz) accuracy: all ranges: ± (1.5 % rdg + 5 dgts). AC Voltage (45 Hz to 500 Hz) resolution: 100 µV. DC Current ranges: 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA. DC Current accuracy: ± (1.5 % rdg + 1 dgt). DC Current resolution: 0.1 µA. AC Current (45 Hz to 500 Hz) ranges: 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA. AC Current (45 Hz to 500 Hz) accuracy: ± (2.0 % rdg + 5 dgts). AC Current resolution: 0.1 µA. Resistance Ranges: 200 ohm, 2 kohm, 20 kohm, 200 kohm, 2 Mohm, 20 Mohm. Resistance Accuracy: 200 ohm to 200 kohm ranges ± (1.0 % rdg + 4 dgts), 2 Mohm range ± (1.5 % rdg + 4 dgts), 20 Mohm range ± (2.0 % rdg + 5 dgts). Resistance Resolution: 100 mohm. Diode Test Current: 1.0 mA (approximate). Non-Contact Voltage Indicator: Sense voltage 70 V to 600 V AC; beeper chirps and bright red LED comes on, works on all ranges. Display: 3-1/2 digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with a maximum reading of 1999.