The Exfo IQS-5240BP-NS1594 Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) has a built-in polarization-resolved optical spectrum method that enables you to achieve accurate in-band OSNR measurements of a ROADM or 40 Gbit/s system directly and automatically. With 33 pm (or ~4.5 GHz) resolution bandwidth defined as the FWHM of the OSA filter shape, the instrument can analyze all densely spaced signals, including important 50 GHz ITU-grid WDM signals, high-speed modulated lasers/emitters and DWDM passive components, all critical in today’s networks. Combined with a very sharp rejection ratio (–35 dBc at 0.1 nm), the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and modulated band profile can be measured with high accuracy. To ensure accurate noise and broad signal power measurements, the noise equivalent bandwidth (NEB) of the OSA is calibrated at many points from 950 nm to 1650 nm. Specifications. Wavelength range: 1250 to 1650 nm. Wavelength uncertainty (1520 to 1610 nm): ±0.03 nm. Resolution bandwidth (FWHM): 0.033 nm. Wavelength linearity: ±0.01 nm. Dynamic range (per channel): –80 to +18 dBm. Maximum total safe power: +23 dBm. Absolute power uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. Optical rejection ratio at 1550 nm at 0.2 nm (25 GHz): 45 dB (50 typical). Channel spacing: 12.5 to 200 GHz CWDM. PDL at 1550 nm: ±0.06 dB. OSNR dynamic range: >35 dB. OSNR measurement uncertainty: ±0.5 dB. Data signals: Up to 100 Gbit/s. Options. 28 = UPC/DIN 47256, 76 = UPC/HMS-10/AG, 89 = UPC/FC narrow key, 90 = UPC/ST, 91 = UPC/SC, 95 = UPC/E-2000, 28 = APC/DIN 47256, 89 = APC/FC narrow key, 91 = APC/SC, 95 = APC/E-2000.