The JDSU OLT-55 2286/05 SMART Optical Loss Test Set is a universal instrument combining a light source and a power meter in a single unit for singlemode fibers from lab through to installation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Independent quick referencing for all built-in wavelengths while the instrument is in measurement mode by connecting the source and power meter via a patch fiber cable. Built-in auto-zeroing for very low power levels or high loss measurements. Specifications. Loss Test Mode Nominal wavelengths: 1310/1550/1625 nm. Spectral width (RMS): 5 nm. Fiber type: 9/125 µm. Signal stability Short term: ± 0.02 dB, within 15 min. Dynamic range: 70 dB. Resolution: 0.01 dB. Linearity: ± 0.06 dB ± 0.04 nW. Power Meter Mode Adjustable wavelength range: 800 to 1700 nm in 1 nm increments. Photo Diode: InGaAs. Display range: - 80 to +15 dBm. Resolution: 0.01 dB. Source Mode Nominal wavelengths: 1310/1550/1625 nm. Spectral width (RMS): 5 nm. Fiber type: 9/125 µm. Output power range: -7 dBm to 0 dBm, separately adjustable. Resolution of power setting: 0.01 dB. Signal stability Short term: ± 0.02 dB, within 15 min. Output power accuracy at Nominal wavelengths: ± 0.3 dB. Options include Visual Fault Locator, Host USB data storage.