The Anritsu MA24106A 6 GHz USB Power Sensor is a highly accurate instrument that communicates with a PC using the Universal Serial Bus interface (USB). Its measurement capability mimics a traditional thermal (thermo-electric) power sensor, but has a wider dynamic range. Therefore, the MA24106A is ideal for measuring average power of CW, multi-tone, and modulated RF waveforms such as 3G, 4G, and OFDM. The sensor employs a “dual-path” architecture to achieve 63 dB of dynamic range. Highly accurate modulation measurements are facilitated by keeping the diode detectors in the “square law region” and by choosing the output of the appropriate detector path. A built-in attenuator provides excellent SWR performance thus minimizing mismatch error. Specifications.
Sensor. Frequency range: 50 MHz to 6 GHz. Dynamic range: -40 dBm to +23 dBm. Input return loss: > 26 dB (50 MHz to < 2 GHz) > 20 dB (2 GHz to 6 GHz) Measurement ranges: Range 1, -40 dBm to -5 dBm Range 2, -5 dBm to +23 dBm Signal channel bandwidth: 100 Hz, typical. Measurement Uncertainty. Linearity: ± 0.13 dB (power level < +18 dBm), ± 0.18 dB (power level ≥ +18 dBm). Noise: < 2.5 nW (-40 dBm to -5 dBm), < 0.6 μW (-5 dBm to +23 dBm). System Measurand: True-RMS/Average power. Measurement resolution: 0.01 dB. Offset range: ± 100 dB. Averaging range: 1 to 256. Measurement speed: 10 measurement per second, typical. Interface: USB 2.0.