The Berkeley Nucleonics 1105 400 MHz Universal Frequency Counter has 12 digits of frequency resolution and 40 ps of time interval resolution. The real-time DSP front -end facilitates faster measurement throughput. It includes a RF Channel 3 with a range from 375 MHz to 6GHz and standard Channels 1 & 2 from 1 mHz to 400 MHz. Up to 20 frequently-used setups may be stored in memory. The 1105 features include Frequency & Ratio (11 digits/sec.) , Time interval , Period (2.5 ns to 1000s) , Duty Cycle, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Peak Volts (100 Hz~300 MHz) , Phase, Totalize, with a time base temperature stability of < 1 PPM and aging rate of < 2 PPM per year. We can also measure the peak voltage of incoming waveforms as well. Specifications.
Channel 1 & 2 Input. DC Coupled: 1 mHz to 400 MHz. AC Coupled: 200 KHz to 400 MHz (50 Ω), 30 Hz to 400 MHz (1 M Ω). FM Tolerance: 25%.
Voltage Range and Sensitivity. 1 mH to 225 MHz: 20 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc (Medium and High), 25 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc (Low). 225 MHz to 400 MHz: 30 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc. 400 MHz to 450 MHz: 40 mVrms to ±5 V ac + dc.
Voltage Range and Sensitivity (Single-Shot Pulse). 1.5ns to 10ns Pulse Width: 80 mVpp to 10 Vpp, (150 mVpp with optional rear connectors). >10 ns Pulse Width: 50 mVpp to 10 Vpp, (150 mVpp with optional rear connectors).
Trigger Level(ATT x 1). Range: ±5.125 V. Accuracy: ±(15 mV + 1% of trigger level). Resolution: 2.5 mV. ATT x 10: Range X 10. Trigger Slope: Positive or Negative.
Damage Level. DC~400 MHz 50 Ω: 12 Vrms. 0 to 3.5 kHz, 1 M Ω: 350 V dc + ac pk. 3.5 kHz to 100 KHz, 1 M Ω: 350 V dc + ac pk linearly derated to 12 Vrms. 100 KHz to 400 MHz, 1 M Ω: 12 Vrms.
Measurement. Frequency, Period: 1 mHz to 400 MHz (2.5 ns to 1000 s). Channel 1 and 2 Trigger: Default setting is Auto Trigger at 50%. Channel 1 and 2 “Auto” Gate Time: 0.1 sec. STD CH 3: 375 MHz to 6 GHz (0.166 ns to 2.6 ns). Frequency Ratio: CH 1/ CH 2, CH 1/ CH 3, CH 2/ CH 1, CH 3/ CH1 (Measurement is specified over the full signal range of each input). Time Interval: Measurement is specified over the full signal ranges of Channels 1 and 2, the width of the pulse must be greater than 1 ns, frequency range to 300 MHz. Time Interval Results Range: -0.5 ns to 10E+5 s. Time Interval Resolution: 40 ps.