The Custom-Cal CC50-3.5-8 is a 50 Ohm, DC to 8.5 GHz, 3.5 mm-type Standard Calibration Kit. It consists of a; CC-5001-OF Open Female Connector, CC-5001-OM Open Male Connector, CC-5001-SF Short Female Connector, CC-5001-SM Short Male Connector, CC-5001-LF Load Female Connector, CC-5001-LM Load Male Connector, CC-5001-TF Through Female to Female Connector, CC-5001-TM Through Male to Male Connector, 7mm flat wrench and a 8710-1765CC 8 in-lbs [0.9 N.m] Break-Over Torque Wrench. Specifications. Open Female Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Phase (DC to 3000 MHz): 0.8 degree. Phase (3001 to 8500 MHz): 1.2 degree. Open Male Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Phase (DC to 3000 MHz): 0.8 degree. Phase (3001 to 8500 MHz): 1.2 degree. Short Female Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Phase (DC to 3000 MHz): 0.8 degree. Phase (3001 to 8500 MHz): 1 degree. Short Male Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Phase (DC to 3000 MHz): 0.8 degree. Phase (3001 to 8500 MHz): 1 degree. Load Female Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Return Loss (DC to 3000 MHz): 40 dB minimum. Return Loss (3001 to 8500 MHz): 36 dB minimum. Load Male Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Return Loss (DC to 3000 MHz): 40 dB minimum. Return Loss (3001 to 8500 MHz): 36 dB minimum. Through Female Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Insertion Loss (DC to 8500 MHz): 0.2 dB maximum. Return Loss (DC to 8500 MHz): 30 dB minimum. Through Male Connector. Frequency Range: DC to 8500 MHz. Impedance: 50 Ω. Insertion Loss (DC to 8500 MHz): 0.2 dB maximum. Return Loss (DC to 8500 MHz): 30 dB minimum.