The Megger MJ459 insulation tester is designed to give rapid, accurate and direct measurement of continuity and insulation resistance of domestic and industrial wiring, cables, transformers, motors, generators electrical machinery and appliances. It is self-powered, and is suitable for use during installation and commissioning work as well as for service and maintenance applications. Specifications.
Insulation Range. Insulation Resistance: 0.1Ω - 2000 MΩ. Nominal Test Voltages dc: 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V. Accuracy: 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V +30%, -0% maximum; 100 V, +40%, -0% maximum. Midscale: 4 MΩ. Short Circuit Current: 1.9 mA. Accuracy: ±1.25% of fsd on a 2.8 in. (71.1mm) arc length: [0.035 in. (0.9mm)].
Resistance Range. Range: 0.1Ω - 5000Ω. Open circuit Test voltage: 3 V ±0.2 V. Short Circuit Current: 2 mA ±10%. Accuracy: ±1.25% of fsd on a 2.8 in. (71.1mm) arc length: [0.035 in. (0.9mm)]. Maximum Load Capacitance: 1μF with less than ±0.1” pointer movement. Discharge: Up to 1μF capacitance is discharged from 1000V to less than 42.4 V in less than 4 seconds.
Safety Voltage Check. Voltage measurement: 0.1 V - 600 V ac; the meter is RMS calibrated and average responding. Safety voltage indicator: Indicates the presence of dc voltages, scaling is not the same as the ac meter; true dc voltage equals scale reading divided by 2.22. Accuracy: 2.5% of full scale.
Power Supply. Six IEC LR6 cells (AA) . Battery life: not less than 1300 insulation or Resistance range tests.