The Keysight N9030A PXA X-Series Signal Analyzer is ideally suited for R&D applications in aerospace & defense and commercial wireless communications. The PXA analyzes signals over wider bandwidths, reduces measurement uncertainty and reveals previously hidden signals with Noise Floor Extension. NFE technology provides a dramatic improvement in the PXA’s ability to accurately measure low-level signals approaching the theoretical “kTB” noise floor. NFE reduces the measurement noise by up to 10 dB and more. With increased averaging, the PXA’s effective noise floor can be extended by up to 10 dB because 90% or more of the contributed noise power is predictable, which means it can be measured, calibrated and then eliminated during normal measurements. The Keysight N9030A includes I/Q analyzer functionality and Keysight PowerSuite. It allows viewing of magnitude, phase, or I/Q behavior for complex modulated signals over the maximum available analysis bandwidth. Specifications.
Frequency range Minimum: 3 Hz. Frequency range Maximum (option dependent): 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, 26.5, 43, 44, 50 GHz, Up to 325 GHz and beyond with external mixing. Analysis bandwidth (option dependent): 10, 25, 40, and 160 MHz. Displayed average noise level (DANL): -172 dBm at 1 GHz, preamplifier and noise floor extension on. Third-order intermodulation (TOI) distortion: +22 dBm at 1 GHz. W-CDMA ACLR dynamic range: -83 dBc (-88 dBc nominal) with noise correction on. Phase noise: -132 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset (1 GHz carrier). Amplitude accuracy: ± 0.19 dB. Real-time bandwidth: 160 MHz; up to 50 GHz frequency range. Probability of intercept: 100% with signal durations as short as 3.57 µs.
Options. -503, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 3.6 GHz. -508, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 8.4 GHz. -513, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 13.6 GHz. -526, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz. -543, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 43 GHz. -544, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 44 GHz. -550, Frequency range, 3 Hz to 50 GHz. -P03, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz. -P08, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 8.4 GHz. -P13, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 13.6 GHz. -P26, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz. -P43, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 43 GHz. -P44, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 44 GHz. -P50, Preamplifier, 100 kHz to 50 GHz. -EA3, Electronic attenuator up to 3.6 GHz. -B25, 25 MHz analysis bandwidth. -B40, 40 MHz analysis bandwidth. -B85, 85 MHz analysis bandwidth. -B1X, 160 MHz analysis bandwidth. -MPB, Microwave preselector bypass. -LNP, Low noise path. -EXM, External mixing. -FP2, Fast power. -C35, APC 3.5 mm connector. -BBA, I/Q baseband inputs, analog. -RT1, Real-time analysis up to 160 MHz BW, basic detection. -RT2, Real-time analysis up to 160 MHz BW, optimum detection. -RTR, Real-time spectrum recorder and analyzer application. -EMC, Basic EMI precompliance. -EDP, Enhanced display package. -ESC, External source control. -CR3, Second IF output. -CRP, Arbitrary IF out. -YAV, Y-axis video out. -ALV, Aux log video out.