A calibration by Custom-Cal is performed by engineers with extensive OEM experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to perform the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080 Calibration, onsite calibration may be available. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.


   NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080   Description / Specification:    
NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080 6.5 Digit, 300V, 1.8MS/s Isolated Digitizer, PXI Multimeter

The National Instruments PXIe‑4080 is a high-performance 6½‑digit, 300 V DMM that provides the measurement capabilities found in two common test instruments: a high-resolution DMM and a digitizer. As a DMM, the PXIe‑4080 delivers fast, accurate AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, 2‑ or 4‑wire resistance, and frequency/period measurements, as well as diode tests. In the high-voltage, isolated digitizer mode, the PXIe‑4080 can acquire waveforms at sample rates up to 1.8 MS/s.

DC Voltage.
ADC linearity: 0.5 ppm of reading + 1 ppm of range.
Effective common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) (1 kΩ resistance in LO lead): >140 dB (DC), 100 ms aperture; >170 dB (>46 Hz) with high-order DC noise rejection, 100 ms aperture, typical.
Overrange: 105% of range except 300 V.
DC voltage input bias current: <30 pA at 23 °C, typical.
Ranges: 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, 300 V.

Maximum 4-wire lead resistance: Use the lesser of 10% of range or 1 kΩ.
Ranges: 100 Ω, 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ, 1 MΩ, 10 MΩ, 100 MΩ.

DC Current.
Overrange: 105% of range except 1 A range.
Ranges: 20 mA, 200 mA, 1 A.

AC Voltage.
Input impedance: 1 MΩ ± 2% in parallel with 150 pF, typical.
Input coupling: AC or DC coupled.
Overrange: 105% of range except 300 V.
Maximum Volt-Hertz product: Verified to 2.2 x 107 V-Hz.
Maximum DC voltage component: 250 V.
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), 1 kΩ resistance in LO lead: >70 dB (DC to 60 Hz), typical.
Ranges: 50 mV, 500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 300 V.

AC Current.
Overrange: 105% of range except 1 A.
Ranges: 10 mA, 100 mA, 1 A.

Diode Test.
Range: 10 V.
Test current: 1 μA, 10 μA, 100 μA, 1 mA.
Accuracy: Add 20 ppm of reading to 10 VDC voltage specifications.

Frequency and Period.
Frequency measurement range: 15 Hz to 500 kHz.
Period measurement range: 2 μs to 66.67 ms.

Types: RTD, Thermistor, J, K, N, T, E, R, S, B.

Isolated Digitizer.
Available functions: Voltage and current.
Voltage ranges: ±100 mV to ±300 V (DC or AC coupled).
Current ranges: ±20 mA to ±1 A.
Sample rate range: 10 S/s to 1.8 MS/s.
Available sample rates: r = (1.8 MS/s) / y, where y = 1, 2, 3,...1.8 x 105.
Timebase accuracy: Equal to the PXIe_CLK100 accuracy of the chassis.
Digitizer record length: 2 samples minimum, unlimited maximum.


Standard Calibration $920.00 *
*This is a Web introductory price for one calibration of the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080. Price does not in most cases include measurement performance data. Pricing does include NIST traceable calibration and issue of a calibration certificate and calibration label. Pricing may vary slightly due to volume and location of laboratory supporting calibration. Volume pricing may apply. On-site fees may apply depending on logistics, location and volume of work to be completed during the visit.

Related Bench Equipment Terms and Definitions. For a complete list go to our  Terms and Definitions Page.

Average Power
Average power means that the energy transfer rate is to be averaged over many periods of the lowest frequency involved. For a CW signal, the lowest frequency and highest frequency are the same, so average power and power are the same. For an amplitude modulated wave, the power must be averaged over many periods of the modulation component of the signal as well.

Dynamic range
Dynamic range the ratio of a specified maximum level of a parameter, such as power, current, voltage or frequency, to the minimum detectable value of that parameter.

Modulation is the process by which the characteristic of one wave (the carrier) is modified by another.

Repeatability is the variation in a number of repeated measured quantities when measurement conditions are changed and restored. The value corresponds to half the spread between the minimum and maximum value measured.

Please contact us for your NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080 CALIBRATION and/or NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4080 6.5 Digit, 300V, 1.8MS/s Isolated Digitizer, PXI Multimeter REPAIR

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