A calibration by Custom-Cal is performed by engineers with extensive OEM experience. We have the expertise and the necessary standards to perform the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4143 Calibration, onsite calibration may be available. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.


   NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4143   Description / Specification:    
NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4143 4Ch Precision Source/Measure Unit (SMU) 24V, 150mA

The National Instruments PXIe-4143 is a 4-channel source measure unit (SMU) ideal for high-pin-count applications. It features 4-quadrant operation and each channel has integrated remote (4-wire) sensing for accurate measurements. The fast sample rate of the PXIe-4143 can reduce measurement times, capture transient device characteristics, and allow quick I V characterization of devices under test (DUTs). With a high-speed sequencing engine, you can synchronize all these SMUs with each other or with other instruments such as switches or high-speed digital test modules. Additionally, you can tune the PXIe-4143 response to any load to achieve optimum responses with maximum stability and minimum transients using SourceAdapt technology.

Settling time: <100 μs to settle to 0.1% of voltage step, device configured for fast transient response, typical.
Transient response: <100 μs to recover within ±20 mV after a load current change from 10% to 90% of range, device configured for fast transient response, typical.
Wideband source noise: 2 mV RMS, typical, <20 mVpk-pk, typical.
Cable guard output impedance: 10 kΩ, typical.

Voltage Programming and Measurement Accuracy/Resolution.
Range | Resolution and noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) | Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of voltage + offset) | Tempco ± (% of voltage + offset)/°C, 0 °C to 55 °C.
  24 V | 20 μV | 0.015% + 1.2 mV (Tcal ± 5 °C) |0.0005% + 1 μV.

Current Programming and Measurement Accuracy/Resolution.
Range | Resolution and noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) | Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of current + offset) | Tempco ± (% of current + offset)/°C, 0 °C to 55 °C.
  10 μA |10 pA |0.03% + 1.6 nA (Tcal ± 5 °C) | 0.002% + 10 pA,
  100 μA | 100 pA | 0.03% + 16 nA (Tcal ± 5 °C) | 0.002% + 100 pA,
  1 mA | 1 nA | 0.03% + 160 nA (Tcal ± 5 °C) | 0.002% + 1.0 nA,
  10 mA | 10 nA | 0.03% + 1.6 μA (Tcal ± 5 °C) | 0.002% + 10 nA,
  150 mA | 150 nA | 0.03% + 24 μA (Tcal ± 5 °C) | 0.002% + 150 nA.

Output Resistance Programming Accuracy/Resolution, Typical.
Current limit range | Programmable resistance range |Resolution | Accuracy ± (% of resistance setting), Tcal ± 5 °C.
  10 μA | ± 100 kΩ | 2 Ω | 0.04% + 1.0 Ω,
  100 μA | ± 10 kΩ | 200 mΩ | 0.04% + 110 mΩ,
  1 mA | ± 1 kΩ | 20 mΩ | 0.04% + 20 mΩ,
  10 mA | ± 100 Ω | 2 mΩ | 0.04% + 11 mΩ,
  150 mA | ± 6.66 Ω | 120 mΩ | 0.04% + 10 mΩ.


Related Bench Equipment Terms and Definitions. For a complete list go to our  Terms and Definitions Page.

Clipping is the limiting of a signal so that it never exceeds some threshold.

Line Regulation
Line regulation is the capability to maintain a constant output voltage level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes to the input voltage level.

Peak Envelope Power
Peak envelope power is the maximum value of the envelope power. Envelope power is measured by making the averaging time much less than 1/fm where fm is the maximum frequency component of the modulation waveform. The averaging time is therefore limited on both ends: (1) it must be small compared to the period of the highest modulation frequency, and (2) it must be large enough to be many RF cycles long.

RMS or root mean square is a statistical measure of the magnitude of a varying quantity

Please contact us for your NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4143 CALIBRATION and/or NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS PXIE-4143 4Ch Precision Source/Measure Unit (SMU) 24V, 150mA REPAIR

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