The Ophir PD300-TP (7Z02424) silicon photodiode sensor is a thin profile laser measurement sensor with a switchable filter feature and a 10x10 mm aperture. With filter out, its spectral range is 350 to 1100 nm and its optical power measuring range from 50 pW to 3 mW. With filter in, its spectral range is 400 to 1100 nm and its power range from 2 µW to 1 W. Specifications.
Detector Type: Silicon. Aperture: 10x10mm. Spectral Range: 350-1100nm (Filter out), 400-1100nm (Filter in). Power Range: 50pW to 3mW (Filter out), 2µW to 1W (Filter in). Power Scales: 3mW to 3nW and dBm (Filter out), 1W to 300µW and dBm (Filter in). Resolution: 0.001nW (Filter out), 1nW (Filter in). Damage Threshold: 10W/cm2 (Filter out), 50W/cm2 (Filter in). Max Pulse Energy: 1µJ (Filter out), 100µJ (Filter in). Noise Level for filter out: 2pW. Response Time with Meter: 0.2s. Beam Position Dependence: ±2%.