The Anritsu S331C Site Master is a hand held SWR/RL (standing wave ratio/return loss), and Distance-To-Fault (DTF) measurement instrument that includes a built-in synthesized signal source. It includes a keypad to enter data and a liquid crystal display (LCD) to provide graphic indications of SWR or RL over the selected frequency range and selected distance. The S331C Site Master is capable of up to 2.5 hours of continuous operation from a fully charged field-replaceable battery and can be operated from a 12.5 dc source. Built-in energy conservation features can be used to extend battery life over an eight-hour work day. The Site Master is designed for measuring SWR, return loss, or cable insertion loss and locating faulty RF components in antenna systems. Power monitoring is available as an option. The displayed trace can be scaled or enhanced with frequency markers or limit lines. A menu option provides for an audible “beep” when the limit value is exceeded. To permit use in low-light environments, the LCD can be back lit using a front panel key. Specifications
Frequency Range: 2 to 4000 MHz. Frequency Accuracy (CW Mode): <=75 parts per million. Frequency Resolution: 100 kHz. Measurement Range: SWR 1.00 to 65.00, Resolution: 0.01 dB. Return Loss Range: 0.0 to 54.00 dB, Resolution: 0.01 dB. Distance-To-Fault (DTF) Range: 0 to ((# of data points -1) x resolution) a maximum of 1000m (3281 ft.) with a maximum of 517 points resolution, # of data pts. = 130, 259, 517. Transmission Line Loss: Range 0 to 20.0 dB, Resolution 0.01. Maximum Input (Damage Level) +20 dBm.
Options Option 5, Add Power Monitor. RF Detector, 1 to 3000 MHz, N(m) input connector, 50 Ohms, Part No. 5400-71N50. RF Detector, 0.01 to 20 GHz, N(m) input connector, 50 Ohms, Part No. 560-7N50B.