The B&K 1856D is a microprocessor-controlled instrument for frequency measurement. Due to uniquely developed LSI circuitry in an expanding/reciprocal system, high accuracy with 9-digit resolution is achieved with a one second gate time. It covers a frequency range of from 0.1 Hz to 3.5 GHz based on a 10 MHz TCO (Temperature Controlled Oscillator). Other features include: RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) Measuring Function, External Frequency Standard Input with 9 Digit LED Display, Attenuator, Period, Total, Low Pass Filter, and a Line Filter. Also provided is a self-test function for a quick check of several operating modes. Each mode can be selected by a front panel push button switch with automatic decimal points and indicators. This instrument has a frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz (DC coupled) and 30 Hz to 100 MHz (AC coupled), a sensitivity of 30 mV rms, an impedance of 1 MOhms resistance shunted by < 40 pF, and an accuracy of ± Time base error ± resolution