The B+K Precision 2120B is a dual trace 30 MHz oscilloscope that offers high performance. Specifications. Frequency Response 5 mV to 5 V/div: DC to 30 MHz (-3dB). Frequency Response X5: DC to 10 MHz (-3dB). Sensitivity: 5 mV/ 5 V/div, 1 mV/div to 1 V/div (X5 MAG). Attenuator: 10 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier control provides full adjustment between steps. Accuracy: ±3%, ±5% at x5. Input impedance: 1 M-ohm ±2%. Input Capacitance: 25 pF ±10pF. Rise Time: 12 ns (Overshoot <=5%). Maximum Input Voltage: 400V (DC + AC peak). Sweep Speed: 0.1µs/div. to 2.0s/div. in 1-2-5 sequence, 23 steps, Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps. Triggering Modes: AUTO (free run) or NORM, TV-V, TV-H. X-Y Mode: Switch selectable using X-Y switch, CH 1; X axis, CH 2; Y axis. Frequency Response: DC to 1 MHz typical (-3 dB). CRT Type: 6-inch rectangular with internal graticule.