The BK Precision 2190B 100 MHZ Analog, Dual time base oscilloscope (2 channel) offers dual or single trace operation 5 mV/div sensitivity. It is an excellent oscilloscope for production test, depot level repair and educational purposes. Specifications. Vertical Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div, 1 mV/div to 1 V/div (at X5 MAG). Attenuator: 10 calibrated steps in 1-2-5 sequence, Vernier control provides full adjustment between steps, adjustment range 1/1 to 1/2.5. Accuracy: ±3%, ±5% at X5 MAG. Input Resistance: 1 M-ohm ±3%. Input Capacitance: 25 pF ±10 pF. Frequency Response DC: DC to 100 MHz (-3 dB). Frequency Response AC: 10Hz to 100 MHz (-3 dB). Rise Time: 3.5 ns (Overshoot <= 5%). Maximum Input Voltage: 400 V (DC + AC peak). Operating Modes: CH 1, CH 2, Dual, Add. Delay Time Between Channels: Within 1 ns between CH 1 and CH 2. Crosstalk: 30:1 at 100 kHz. Horizontal X-Y Mode: X Axis = CH 1. Y Axis = CH 2. Sensitivity: 5 mV/div to 5 V/div, CH 1 and CH 2. Accuracy: ±3% calibrated position, ±6% using x10 MAG. Frequency Response: DC to 2 MHz typical (-3 dB). Sweep Mode: Auto, normal. Sweep Time A Time Base: 5s to 20ns/div., 23 steps in 1-2-5 sequence with variable control. Sweep Time B Time Base: 20ns. to 0.5s/div., 23 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Accuracy: ± 3%. Trigger Source CH 1, CH 2, LINE, EXT. Trigger Sensitivity: 30 Hz to 110 MHz. CRT Display Area: 8 x 10 div (1 div = 1 cm).