The B&K Precision 875B Handheld LCR meter will measure inductors, resistors, and capacitors quickly and accurately. Utilizing special circuitry, the measurement more closely replicates true in-circuit measurements. The meter allows for resistance measurement down to 1 m-ohm of resolution and zero adjustment for removing lead resistance. Specifications. Capacitance Ranges: 200 pf, 2 nF, 20 nF, 200 nF, 2 µF, 20 µF, 200 µF, 2 mF, 20 mF. Resistance Ranges: 2 ohm, 20 ohm, 200 ohm, 2 k-ohm, 20 k-ohm, 200 k-ohm, 2 M-ohm, 20 M-ohm. Inductance Ranges: 200 µH, 2 mH, 20 mH, 200 mH, 2 H, 20 H, 200 H. Display: 0.5” digital height, 31/2 digits liquid crystal display with “LOBAT” and decimal annunciators.