The BK Precision 878A is a 19,999-count L/C/R hand-held meter is a special microprocessor-controlled meter for measuring functions of inductance, capacitance and resistance. The 878A meter provides direct and accurate measurements of inductors, capacitors and resistors with different testing frequencies. It is selectable for auto and manual ranging. The test data can be transferred to PC through an optional full isolated optical RS232C interface. Specifications. Parameters Measured: L/C/R/D/Q. Measuring Circuit Mode: Inductance (L) –Defaults to series mode, Capacitance/ Resistance (C/R) -Defaults to parallel mode. Displays: L/C/R - Maximum display 19999, D/Q - Maximum display 999 (Auto Range). Ranging Mode: Auto & Manual. Resistance (Parallel mode) Test Frequency 120 Hz, 1 KHz Range: 20 ohm to 10 M-ohm. Capacitance (Parallel mode) Test Frequency 120 Hz Range: 20 nF to 10 mF. Capacitance (Parallel mode) Test Frequency 1 KHz Range: 2000 pF to 1 mF. Inductance (Series mode) Test Frequency 120 Hz Range: 20 mH to 1000 H. Inductance (Series mode) Test Frequency 1 KHz Range: 20 mH to 100 H.