The Exfo FOT-92A Optical Power Meter is a high-performance unit for power/loss testing of fiber-optic links and components. It features an automated wavelength-recognition system. Paired with a compatible light source (FLS-210A), the FOT-92A automatically recognize the operating wavelength, then evaluates and stores loss data with easy one-touch operation. The new Ultra-High-Power option allows measurements of up to +35 dBm. The FOT-92A is a high-performance unit for power/loss testing of fiber-optic links and components. It features an automated wavelength-recognition system with intelligent testing options. Paired with a compatible light source (FLS-210A or FLS-210B), the FOT-92A automatically recognizes operating calibration wavelength parameters, then averages, validates and stores loss data with easy one-button operation. Specifications. Detector type: Ge (2 mm). Measurement range: 10 to -70 dBm. Uncertainty: ± 5%. Resolution: 0.01 dB. Linearity: ± 0.02 dB. Wavelength range: 780 to 1600 nm. Calibrated wavelengths: 780, 820, 840, 850, 860, 910, 980, 1060, 1200, 1280, 1290, 1300, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1530, 1540, 1550, 1560, 1600 nm.