The Fluke 85 Handheld Digital Multimeter is a 4000 count digital instrument for use in the laboratory, field, and home. The meter combines the precision of a digital meter with the speed and versatility of a high resolution bar graph, featuring a zoom function that increases sensitivity by a factor of 10. Frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 200 kHz can be measured with up to 0.01 Hz resolution. The meter also provides a Min/Max recording mode, an alternate frequency counter that measures duty cycle, Input Alert, and Relative, Touch Hold, and Capacitance modes. Specifications.
DC Voltage. Range: 400 mV to 1000 V. Resolution: 0.1 mV to 1 V.
AC Voltage. Range: 400 mV to 1000 V. Resolution: 1 mV to 1 V.
Resistance. Range: 400 Ω to 40 MΩ. Resolution: 0.1Ω to 10 kΩ.
Capacitance. Range: 5 nF to 5 µF. Resolution: 0.01 nF to 0.01 µF.
DC/AC Current. Range: 40 mA to 10 A. Resolution: 0.01 mA to 0.01 A. Accuracy: 2% +/- 2.
Frequency. Range: 199.9 Hz to >200 kHz. Resolution: 0.01 Hz to 0.1 kHz. Accuracy: 0.005% +/- 1.