The HP 85039B DC to 3 GHz Calibration Kit contains 75 ohm type-F standards, both male and female, to calibrate network analyzers for measurements of common broadband and CATV components with 75 ohm type-F connectors. Standards include a fixed load, open circuit, and short circuit. The following adapters are also included: type-F (f-f), type-F (m-m), type-N (f) to type-F (m) and type-N (m) to type-F (f).
The Custom-Cal CC75-F-3 is a DC to 3000 MHz Calibration Kit that contains 75 ohm type-F standards, both male and female, to calibrate network analyzers for measurements of common broadband and CATV components with 75 ohm type-F connectors. It consists of a; CC-7501-OF Open Female Connector, CC-7501-OM Open Male Connector, CC-7501-SF Short Female Connector, CC-7501-SM Short Male Connector, CC-7501-LF Load Female Connector, CC-7501-LM Load Male Connector, CC-7501-TF Through Female to Female Connector.