Used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS)'s for Purchase, Buy at the right Price

Custom-Cal has used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS) 's in stock and ready for purchase at a fair price. All units sold by Custom-Cal are provided with an applicable NIST traceable calibration/performance verification and a 90 day warranty (unless otherwise noted). With this added service, you can be confident that you are buying a fully functional unit that meets OEM specifications.

We are always willing to work with the customer on price. If you would like to buy a used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS) but, don't see the price you want, please name your price below and we will try to find one for you to purchase.
Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS)

General description of used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS) 's for sale.
A Source Laser is a device that emits light (electromagnetic radiation) through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The emitted laser light is notable for its high degree of spatial and temporal coherence. Light is coherent when its wavelength, phase and leading edge are all constant and aligned. There are two types of coherence: temporal and spatial. Temporal coherence refers to uniform wavelength and continuous phase. Spatial coherence means the light can be focused on a single point using a lens.
The various types of source lasers include solid lasers, gas lasers, and semiconductor lasers, or laser diodes (LO). LOs are used as light sources for optical fiber communications because they are smaller than other types of lasers and can be modulated directly.
Sources also include Light-emitting diode, LEOs emit noncoherent light. They do not have the same advantages as laser diodes (LO), but are stable, inexpensive and provide excellent linearity. LEOs are useful for short distances, low capacities and analog systems.
Source Lasers can be CW (continuous wave) or Pulsed. CW light has constant intensity and is not modulated, CW light is also referred to as DC light. Pulsed light turns on and off at regular intervals because it is intensity-modulated using a square wave.


Current available inventory of used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS)'s for Purchase. Please check the box of the one(s) you would like to buy.

PurchaseCC IDManufacturermodelOEM NameDescriptionInstrument NotesSale Price
118232AGILENT81542MM1300 nm LED Source ModuleCalibration $225Price $1,500
122023AGILENT81552SM1310 nm Fabry Perot Laser Source ModuleCalibration $150Price $1,500
115984AGILENT81650A1310 nm Fabry Perot Laser Source ModuleCalibration $150Price $1,250
115994AGILENT81651A1550 nm Fabry Perot Laser Source ModuleCalibration $150Price $1,250
115995AGILENT81651A1550 nm Fabry Perot Laser Source ModuleCalibration $150Price $1,250
118320AGILENT81662ADFB Laser Source ModuleOption 411, Calibration $175Price $950
118321AGILENT81662ADFB Laser Source ModuleOption 345, Calibration $175Price $950
118322AGILENT81662ADFB Laser Source ModuleOption 505, Calibration $175Price $950
111586AGILENT81662ADFB Laser Source ModuleTested for functionality. NIST traceable calibration available for $175.00.Price $1,000
115616AGILENT83400A1308 nm Lightwave Source ModuleOption 014, calibration $225Price $540
116012AGILENT83437ABroadband Light SourceOption 022, Calibration $325Price $3,500
116019AGILENT83437ABroadband Light SourceOptions 001, 005, H10, Calibration $325Price $3,500
117153AGILENT83437ABroadband Light SourceCalibration $375Price $3,500
118328ANDOAQ-4303BWhite Light SourceCalibration $175Price $1,500
123544ANDOAQ8201-11WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1568.36 nm, Calibration $225Price $300
123579ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1570.42 nm, Calibration $150 Price $300
123580ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1582.85 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123581ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1580.77 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123582ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1584.95 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123583ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1574.54 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123584ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1572.48 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123585ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1576.61 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123586ANDOAQ8201-11BL-Band WDM DFB-LD ModuleWavelength 1578.69 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123546ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L1L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1582.02 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123547ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L1L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1596.34 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123549ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L1L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1592.10 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123552ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L1L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1602.31 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123553ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1579.52 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123554ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1582.02 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123550ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1587.04 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123551ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1608.33 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123548ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1590.41 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
123545ILX LIGHTWAVEFOS-79800D/315L2L-Band WDM DFB Fiber Optic Source ModuleWavelength 1603.17 nm, Calibration $150Price $300
103379PHOTONETICS3613CWL186551607.04 nm Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode ModuleOption P13, Calibration $185.Price $850
103377PHOTONETICS3613CWL188451590.83 nm Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode ModuleOption P13, Calibration $185.Price $850
103376PHOTONETICS3613CWL190401574.54 nm Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode ModuleOption P13, Calibration $185.Price $850
103261PHOTONETICS3613CWL192201559.79 nm Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode ModuleOption P13, Calibration $185.Price $850
103373PHOTONETICS3613CWL192901554.13 nm Distributed Feed Back Laser Diode ModuleOption P13, Calibration $185.Price $850

Contact us to Buy refurbished / used Laser Source (DFB-LD-WDM-BBS) at the Purchase Price you want.

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