0.045 to 50 GHz, S Parameter Test Set. Test Ports (port 1 or 2), Nominal Operating Power Level: +2 to -29 dBm, Opt 007: +5 to -16 dBm, Connector Type: 2.4 mm (m), Impedance, DC Bias: 50 ohm nominal, 500 mA, 40 Vdc max, Attenuation Range (incident signal): 0 to 60 dB, in 10 dB steps, RF Input Connector (rear panel), Max Input Power: +16 dBm, Connector Type: 2.4 mm (f), Dynamic Range (for transmission measurements), Frequency Range GHz, .045 0.84 20 40 to 0.84 to 20 to 40 to 50, Max Power (dBm), Measured at Port 2: +17 +8 +3 -4, Opt 007: +17 +12 +5 -5, Reference Power (dBm) at Port 1 (nominal): +2 -7 -17 -29, Opt 007: +5 +2 -5 -16, Min Power, Measured at Port 2: -75 -97 -91 -90, Opt 007: -70 -92 -89 -91, Receiver, Dynamic Range (dB): 92 105 94 86, Opt 007: 87 104 94 86, System Dynamic Range (dB: 77 90 74 61), Opt 007: 75 94 84 75, Measurement Port Characteristics, Frequency Range GHz .045 0.84 20 40 to 0.84 to 20 to 40 to 50, Residual (dB) Directivity: 42 42 38 36, Source Match: 41 38 33 31, Load Match: 42 42 38 36, Reflection Tracking: ±0.001 ±0.008 ±0.02 ±0.027, Transmission Tracking: ±0.014 ±0.045 ±0.110 ±0.137, Crosstalk: 99 110 91 80, Raw (typical) (dB) (Before calibration/error correction), Directivity: 20 20 20 20, Source Match: 20 12 10 10, Load Match: 20 12 10 10